Source code for iodata.overlap

# IODATA is an input and output module for quantum chemistry.
# Copyright (C) 2011-2019 The IODATA Development Team
# This file is part of IODATA.
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# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
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# IODATA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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# --
"""Module for computing overlap of atomic orbital basis functions."""

import attr
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import binom, factorial2

from .overlap_cartpure import tfs
from .basis import convert_conventions, iter_cart_alphabet, MolecularBasis

__all__ = ['OVERLAP_CONVENTIONS', 'compute_overlap', 'gob_cart_normalization']

# pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks,too-many-statements
[docs]def compute_overlap(obasis: MolecularBasis, atcoords: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: r"""Compute overlap matrix for the given molecular basis set. .. math:: \braket{\psi_{i}}{\psi_{j}} This function takes into account the requested order of the basis functions in ``obasis.conventions``. Note that only L2 normalized primitives are supported at the moment. Parameters ---------- obasis The orbital basis set. atcoords The atomic Cartesian coordinates (including those of ghost atoms). Returns ------- overlap The matrix with overlap integrals, shape=(obasis.nbasis, obasis.nbasis). """ if obasis.primitive_normalization != 'L2': raise ValueError('The overlap integrals are only implemented for L2 ' 'normalization.') # Initialize result overlap = np.zeros((obasis.nbasis, obasis.nbasis)) # Get a segmented basis, for simplicity obasis = obasis.get_segmented() # Compute the normalization constants of the primitives scales = [_compute_cart_shell_normalizations(shell) for shell in obasis.shells] n_max = np.max([np.max(shell.angmoms) for shell in obasis.shells]) go = GaussianOverlap(n_max) # define a python ufunc (numpy function) for broadcasted calling over angular momentums compute_overlap_1d = np.frompyfunc(go.compute_overlap_gaussian_1d, 5, 1) # Loop over shell0 begin0 = 0 # pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks for i0, shell0 in enumerate(obasis.shells): r0 = atcoords[shell0.icenter] end0 = begin0 + shell0.nbasis # Loop over shell1 (lower triangular only, including diagonal) begin1 = 0 for i1, shell1 in enumerate(obasis.shells[:i0 + 1]): r1 = atcoords[shell1.icenter] end1 = begin1 + shell1.nbasis # START of Cartesian coordinates. Shell types are positive result = np.zeros((len(scales[i0][0]), len(scales[i1][0]))) a0 = np.min(shell0.exponents) a1 = np.min(shell1.exponents) # prepare some constants to save FLOPS later on rij = r0 - r1 rij_norm_sq = np.linalg.norm(rij) ** 2 prefactor = np.exp(-a0 * a1 * rij_norm_sq / (a0 + a1)) if prefactor > 1.e-15: # arrays of angular momentums [[2, 0, 0], [0, 2, 0], ..., [0, 1, 1]] n0 = np.array(list(iter_cart_alphabet(shell0.angmoms[0]))) n1 = np.array(list(iter_cart_alphabet(shell1.angmoms[0]))) # Loop over primitives in shell0 (Cartesian) for iexp0, (a0, cc0) in enumerate(zip(shell0.exponents, shell0.coeffs[:, 0])): scales0 = scales[i0][iexp0] a0_r0 = a0 * r0 # Loop over primitives in shell1 (Cartesian) for iexp1, (a1, cc1) in enumerate(zip(shell1.exponents, shell1.coeffs[:, 0])): scales1 = scales[i1][iexp1] at = a0 + a1 prefactor = np.exp(-a0 * a1 / at * rij_norm_sq) if prefactor < 1.0e-15: continue # prepare some pre-factors to save FLOPS in inner loop two_at = 2 * at prefactor *= (np.pi / at) ** (3 / 2) rn = (a0_r0 + a1 * r1) / at rn_0 = rn - r0 rn_1 = rn - r1 v =, rn_1, n0[:, None, :], n1[None, :, :], two_at), axis=2) v *= prefactor result = np.add(result, v * cc0 * cc1 * scales0[:, None] * scales1[None, :]) # END of Cartesian coordinate system (if going to pure coordinates) # cart to pure if shell0.kinds[0] == 'p': result =[shell0.angmoms[0]], result) if shell1.kinds[0] == 'p': result =, tfs[shell1.angmoms[0]].T) # store lower triangular result overlap[begin0:end0, begin1:end1] = result # store upper triangular result overlap[begin1:end1, begin0:end0] = result.T begin1 = end1 begin0 = end0 permutation, signs = convert_conventions(obasis, OVERLAP_CONVENTIONS, reverse=True) overlap = overlap[permutation] * signs.reshape(-1, 1) overlap = overlap[:, permutation] * signs return overlap
[docs]class GaussianOverlap: """Gaussian Overlap Class."""
[docs] def __init__(self, n_max): """Initialize class. Parameters ---------- n_max : int Maximum angular momentum. """ self.binomials = [[binom(n, i) for i in range(n + 1)] for n in range(n_max + 1)] facts = [factorial2(m, 2) for m in range(2 * n_max)] facts.insert(0, 1) self.facts = np.array(facts)
[docs] def compute_overlap_gaussian_1d(self, x1, x2, n1, n2, two_at): """Compute overlap integral of two Gaussian functions in one-dimensions.""" # compute overlap value = 0 for i in range(n1 + 1): pf_i = self.binomials[n1][i] * x1 ** (n1 - i) for j in range(n2 + 1): m = i + j if m % 2 == 0: integ = self.facts[m] / two_at ** (m / 2) value += pf_i * self.binomials[n2][j] * x2 ** (n2 - j) * integ return value
def _compute_cart_shell_normalizations(shell: 'Shell') -> np.ndarray: """Return normalization constants for the primitives in a given shell. Parameters ---------- shell The shell for which the normalization constants must be computed. Returns ------- np.ndarray The normalization constants, always for Cartesian functions, even when shell is pure. """ shell = attr.evolve(shell, kinds=['c'] * shell.ncon) result = [] for angmom in shell.angmoms: for exponent in shell.exponents: row = [] for n in iter_cart_alphabet(angmom): row.append(gob_cart_normalization(exponent, n)) result.append(np.array(row)) return result
[docs]def gob_cart_normalization(alpha: np.ndarray, n: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Compute normalization of exponent. Parameters ---------- alpha Gaussian basis exponents n Cartesian subshell angular momenta Returns ------- np.ndarray The normalization constant for the gaussian cartesian basis. """ return np.sqrt((4 * alpha) ** sum(n) * (2 * alpha / np.pi) ** 1.5 / * n - 1)))