Source code for iodata.formats.cp2klog

# IODATA is an input and output module for quantum chemistry.
# Copyright (C) 2011-2019 The IODATA Development Team
# This file is part of IODATA.
# IODATA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# IODATA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <>
# --
"""CP2K ATOM output file format."""

from typing import Union

import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import NDArray

from ..basis import MolecularBasis, Shell, angmom_sti
from ..convert import HORTON2_CONVENTIONS
from ..docstrings import document_load_one
from ..orbitals import MolecularOrbitals
from ..overlap import factorial2
from ..utils import LineIterator, LoadError

__all__ = ()

PATTERNS = ["*.cp2k.out"]

    (0, "c"): HORTON2_CONVENTIONS[(0, "c")],
    (1, "c"): HORTON2_CONVENTIONS[(1, "c")],
    (2, "p"): HORTON2_CONVENTIONS[(2, "p")],
    (3, "p"): HORTON2_CONVENTIONS[(3, "p")],

def _get_cp2k_norm_corrections(
    ell: int, alphas: Union[float, NDArray[float]]
) -> Union[float, NDArray[float]]:
    """Compute the corrections for the normalization of the basis functions.

    This correction is needed because the CP2K atom code works with a different
    type of normalization for the primitives. IOData assumes Gaussian primitives
    are always L2-normalized.

        The angular momentum of the (pure) basis function. (s=0, p=1, ...)
        The exponent or exponents of the Gaussian primitives for which the correction
        is to be computed.

        The scale factor for the expansion coefficients of the wavefunction in
        terms of primitive Gaussians. The inverse of this correction can be
        applied to the contraction coefficients.

    expzet = 0.25 * (2 * ell + 3)
    prefac = np.sqrt(np.sqrt(np.pi) / 2.0 ** (ell + 2) * factorial2(2 * ell + 1))
    zeta = 2.0 * alphas
    return zeta**expzet / prefac

def _read_cp2k_contracted_obasis(lit: LineIterator) -> MolecularBasis:
    """Read a contracted basis set from an open CP2K ATOM output file.

        The line iterator to read the data from.

    The orbital basis.

    shells = []
    while True:
        line = next(lit)
        if line[3:12] != "Functions":
        angmom = angmom_sti(line[1:2])
        exponents = []
        coeffs = []
        for line in lit:
            if line[3:12] == "Functions" or line.startswith(" *******************"):
            values = [float(w) for w in line.split()]
            # one exponent per line
            # many contraction coefficients per line, all corresponding to the
            # same primitive, so rows in coeffs
            coeffs.append(np.array(values[1:]) / _get_cp2k_norm_corrections(angmom, values[0]))
        # Push back the last line for the next iteration
        # Build the shell
        exponents = np.array(exponents)
        coeffs = np.array(coeffs)
        kind = "c" if angmom < 2 else "p"
                0, np.array([angmom] * coeffs.shape[1]), [kind] * coeffs.shape[1], exponents, coeffs

    return MolecularBasis(shells, CONVENTIONS, "L2")

def _read_cp2k_uncontracted_obasis(lit: LineIterator) -> MolecularBasis:
    """Read an uncontracted basis set from an open CP2K ATOM output file.

        The line iterator to read the data from.

    The orbital basis parameters read from the file.
    Can be used to initialize a GOBasis object.

    # Load the relevant data from the file
    shells = []
    while True:
        line = next(lit)
        if line[3:13] != "Exponents:":
        angmom = angmom_sti(line[1:2])
        exponents = []
        coeffs = []
        while True:
            if line.strip() == "" or "*****" in line:
            words = line.split()
            # read the exponent
            exponent = float(words[-1])
            coeffs.append(1.0 / _get_cp2k_norm_corrections(angmom, exponent))
            line = next(lit)
        # Build the shell
        kind = "c" if angmom < 2 else "p"
        for exponent, coeff in zip(exponents, coeffs):
                Shell(0, np.array([angmom]), [kind], np.array([exponent]), np.array([[coeff]]))

    return MolecularBasis(shells, CONVENTIONS, "L2")

def _read_cp2k_obasis(lit: LineIterator) -> dict:
    """Read atomic orbital basis set from a CP2K ATOM file object.

        The line iterator to read the data from.

    The atomic orbital basis data which can be used to initialize a ``GOBasis`` class.

    next(lit)  # Skip empty line
    line = next(lit)  # Check for contracted versus uncontracted
    if line == (
        " ********************** Contracted Gaussian Type Orbitals **********************\n"
        return _read_cp2k_contracted_obasis(lit)
    if line == (
        " ********************* Uncontracted Gaussian Type Orbitals *********************\n"
        return _read_cp2k_uncontracted_obasis(lit)
    raise LoadError("Could not find basis set in CP2K ATOM output.", lit)

def _read_cp2k_occupations_energies(
    lit: LineIterator, restricted: bool
) -> list[tuple[int, int, float, float]]:
    """Read orbital occupation numbers and energies from a CP2K ATOM file object.

        The line iterator to read the data from.
        If ``True`` the wave-function is considered to be restricted. If
        ``False`` the unrestricted wave-function is assumed.

    oe_alpha, oe_beta
        A list with orbital properties. Each element is a tuple with the
        following info: (angular_momentum l, spin component: 'alpha' or
        'beta', occupation number, orbital energy).

    oe_alpha = []
    oe_beta = []
    empty = 0
    while empty < 2:
        line = next(lit)
        words = line.split()
        if not words:
            empty += 1
        empty = 0
        s = int(words[0])
        ell = int(words[2 - restricted])
        occ = float(words[3 - restricted])
        ener = float(words[4 - restricted])
        if restricted or words[1] == "alpha":
            oe_alpha.append((ell, s, occ, ener))
            oe_beta.append((ell, s, occ, ener))
    return oe_alpha, oe_beta

def _read_cp2k_orbital_coeffs(
    lit: LineIterator, oe: list[tuple[int, int, float, float]]
) -> dict[tuple[int, int], NDArray[float]]:
    """Read the expansion coefficients of the orbital from an open CP2K ATOM output.

        The line iterator to read the data from.
        The orbital occupation numbers and energies read with

    Dictionary in which keys are an (l, s) pair and values are arrays with orbital coefficients.

    allcoeffs = {}
    while len(allcoeffs) < len(oe):
        line = next(lit)
        if not line.startswith("    ORBITAL      L ="):
            raise LoadError("Did not find the expected start of a new ORBITAL section.", lit)
        words = line.split()
        angmom = int(words[3])
        state = int(words[6])
        coeffs = []
        for line in lit:
            if line.strip() == "":
        allcoeffs[(angmom, state)] = np.array(coeffs)
    return allcoeffs

def _get_norb_nel(oe: list[tuple[int, int, float, float]]) -> tuple[int, float]:
    """Return number of orbitals and electrons.

         The orbital occupation numbers and energies read with

        The number of orbitals.
        The number of electrons.

    norb = 0
    nel = 0
    for row in oe:
        norb += 2 * row[0] + 1
        nel += row[2]
    return norb, nel

def _fill_orbitals(
    orb_coeffs: NDArray[float],
    orb_energies: NDArray[float],
    orb_occupations: NDArray[float],
    oe: list[tuple[int, int, float, float]],
    coeffs: dict[tuple[int, int], NDArray[float]],
    obasis: MolecularBasis,
    restricted: bool,
    """Fill in orbital coefficients, energies and occupation numbers.

    The data is entered int ``orb_coeffs``, ``orb_energies``, and ``orb_occupations``.

        The orbital coefficients. Will be written to.
        The orbital energies. Will be written to.
        The orbital coefficients. Will be written to.
        The orbital occupation numbers and energies read with
        The orbital coefficients read with ``_read_cp2k_orbital_coeffs``.
        The molecular basis set
        Is wavefunction restricted or unrestricted?

    # Find the offsets for each angular momentum
    offset = 0
    offsets = []
    ls = np.concatenate([shell.angmoms for shell in obasis.shells])
    for ell in sorted(set(ls)):
        offset += (2 * ell + 1) * (ell == ls).sum()
    del offset

    # Fill in the coefficients
    iorb = 0
    for ell, state, occ, ener in oe:
        cs = coeffs.get((ell, state))
        stride = 2 * ell + 1
        for im in range(2 * ell + 1):
            orb_energies[iorb] = ener
            orb_occupations[iorb] = occ / float((restricted + 1) * (2 * ell + 1))
            for ic, c in enumerate(cs):
                orb_coeffs[offsets[ell] + stride * ic + im, iorb] = c
            iorb += 1


This function assumes that the following subsections are present in the CP2K
ATOM input file, in the section ``ATOM%PRINT``:

.. code-block:: text



[docs] @document_load_one( "CP2K ATOM outupt", ["atcoords", "atcorenums", "atnums", "energy", "mo", "obasis"], [], {}, LOAD_ONE_NOTES, ) def load_one(lit: LineIterator) -> dict: """Do not edit this docstring. It will be overwritten.""" # Find the element number atnum = None for line in lit: if line.startswith(" Atomic Energy Calculation"): atnum = int(line[-5:-1]) break # Go to the all-electron basis set and read it. for line in lit: if line.startswith(" All Electron Basis"): break ae_obasis = _read_cp2k_obasis(lit) # Go to the pseudo basis set and read it. for line in lit: if line.startswith(" Pseudopotential Basis"): break pp_obasis = _read_cp2k_obasis(lit) # Search for (un)restricted restricted = None for line in lit: if line.startswith(" METHOD |"): if "U" in line: restricted = False break if "R" in line: restricted = True break # Search for the core charge (pseudo number) atcorenum = None for line in lit: if line.startswith(" Core Charge"): atcorenum = float(line[70:]) if atcorenum != int(atcorenum): raise LoadError("Inconsistent effective core charge", lit) break if line.startswith(" Electronic structure"): atcorenum = float(atnum) break # Select the correct basis obasis = ae_obasis if atcorenum == atnum else pp_obasis # Search for energy for line in lit: if line.startswith(" Energy components [Hartree] Total Energy ::"): energy = float(line[60:]) break # Read orbital energies and occupations for line in lit: if line.startswith(" Orbital energies"): break next(lit) oe_alpha, oe_beta = _read_cp2k_occupations_energies(lit, restricted) # Read orbital expansion coefficients line = next(lit) if line not in [ " Atomic orbital expansion coefficients [Alpha]\n", " Atomic orbital expansion coefficients []\n", ]: raise LoadError("Could not find orbital coefficients in CP2K ATOM output.", lit) coeffs_alpha = _read_cp2k_orbital_coeffs(lit, oe_alpha) if not restricted: line = next(lit) if line != " Atomic orbital expansion coefficients [Beta]\n": raise LoadError("Could not find beta orbital coefficient in CP2K ATOM output.", lit) coeffs_beta = _read_cp2k_orbital_coeffs(lit, oe_beta) # Turn orbital data into a MolecularOrbitals object. if restricted: norb, nel = _get_norb_nel(oe_alpha) if nel % 2 != 0: raise LoadError("Odd number of electrons for a restricted wavefunction.", lit) orb_alpha_coeffs = np.zeros([obasis.nbasis, norb]) orb_alpha_energies = np.zeros(norb) orb_alpha_occs = np.zeros(norb) _fill_orbitals( orb_alpha_coeffs, orb_alpha_energies, orb_alpha_occs, oe_alpha, coeffs_alpha, obasis, restricted, ) mo = MolecularOrbitals( "restricted", norb, norb, 2 * orb_alpha_occs, orb_alpha_coeffs, orb_alpha_energies ) else: norb_alpha = _get_norb_nel(oe_alpha)[0] norb_beta = _get_norb_nel(oe_beta)[0] if norb_alpha != norb_beta: raise LoadError("Inconsistent number of alpha and beta orbitals.", lit) orb_alpha_coeffs = np.zeros([obasis.nbasis, norb_alpha]) orb_alpha_energies = np.zeros(norb_alpha) orb_alpha_occs = np.zeros(norb_alpha) orb_beta_coeffs = np.zeros([obasis.nbasis, norb_beta]) orb_beta_energies = np.zeros(norb_beta) orb_beta_occs = np.zeros(norb_beta) _fill_orbitals( orb_alpha_coeffs, orb_alpha_energies, orb_alpha_occs, oe_alpha, coeffs_alpha, obasis, restricted, ) _fill_orbitals( orb_beta_coeffs, orb_beta_energies, orb_beta_occs, oe_beta, coeffs_beta, obasis, restricted, ) mo = MolecularOrbitals( "unrestricted", norb_alpha, norb_beta, np.concatenate((orb_alpha_occs, orb_beta_occs), axis=0), np.concatenate((orb_alpha_coeffs, orb_beta_coeffs), axis=1), np.concatenate((orb_alpha_energies, orb_beta_energies), axis=0), ) return { "obasis": obasis, "mo": mo, "atcoords": np.zeros((1, 3), float), "atnums": np.array([atnum]), "energy": energy, "atcorenums": np.array([atcorenum]), }