Source code for iodata.formats.gaussianlog

# IODATA is an input and output module for quantum chemistry.
# Copyright (C) 2011-2019 The IODATA Development Team
# This file is part of IODATA.
# IODATA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# IODATA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <>
# --
"""Gaussian Log file format.

To write out the integrals in a Gaussian log file, which can be loaded with this module,
you need to use the following Gaussian command line:

.. code-block ::

    scf(conventional) iop(3/33=5) extralinks=l316 iop(3/27=999)


import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import NDArray

from ..docstrings import document_load_one
from ..utils import LineIterator, set_four_index_element

__all__ = ()

PATTERNS = ["*.log"]

Note that Gaussian writes four-center integrals in chemists' notation.
They will be reordered into physicists' notation when loading them with IOData.

[docs] @document_load_one("Gaussian Log", [], ["one_ints", "two_ints"], notes=LOAD_ONE_NOTES) def load_one(lit: LineIterator) -> dict: """Do not edit this docstring. It will be overwritten.""" # First get the line with the number of orbital basis functions for line in lit: if line.startswith(" NBasis ="): nbasis = int(line[12:18]) break # Then load the two- and four-index operators. This part is written such # that it does not make any assumptions about the order in which these # operators are printed. one_ints = {} two_ints = {} while True: line = next(lit) if line.startswith(" Normal termination of Gaussian"): break if line.startswith(" *** Overlap ***"): one_ints["olp"] = _load_twoindex_g09(lit, nbasis) elif line.startswith(" *** Kinetic Energy ***"): one_ints["kin_ao"] = _load_twoindex_g09(lit, nbasis) elif line.startswith(" ***** Potential Energy *****"): one_ints["na_ao"] = _load_twoindex_g09(lit, nbasis) elif line.startswith(" *** Dumping Two-Electron integrals ***"): two_ints["er_ao"] = _load_fourindex_g09(lit, nbasis) result = {} if one_ints: result["one_ints"] = one_ints if two_ints: result["two_ints"] = two_ints return result
def _load_twoindex_g09(lit: LineIterator, nbasis: int) -> NDArray[float]: """Load a two-index operator from a GAUSSIAN LOG file format. Parameters ---------- lit The line iterator to read the data from. nbasis The number of atomic orbital basis functions. Returns ------- Operator array with shape ``(nbasis, nbasis)``. """ result = np.zeros((nbasis, nbasis)) block_counter = 0 while block_counter < nbasis: # skip the header line next(lit) # determine the number of rows in this part nrow = nbasis - block_counter for i in range(nrow): words = next(lit).split()[1:] for j, word in enumerate(words): value = float(word.replace("D", "E")) result[i + block_counter, j + block_counter] = value result[j + block_counter, i + block_counter] = value block_counter += 5 return result def _load_fourindex_g09(lit: LineIterator, nbasis: int) -> NDArray[float]: """Load a four-index operator from a GAUSSIAN LOG file. Parameters ---------- lit The line iterator to read the data from. nbasis The number of atomic orbital basis functions. Returns ------- Operator array with shape ``(nbasis, nbasis, nbasis, nbasis)``. """ result = np.zeros((nbasis, nbasis, nbasis, nbasis)) # Skip first six lines for _i in range(6): next(lit) # Start reading elements until a line is encountered that does not start # with ' I=' for line in lit: if not line.startswith(" I="): break # print line[3:7], line[9:13], line[15:19], line[21:25], line[28:].replace('D', 'E') i0 = int(line[3:7]) - 1 i1 = int(line[9:13]) - 1 i2 = int(line[15:19]) - 1 i3 = int(line[21:25]) - 1 value = float(line[29:].replace("D", "E")) # Gaussian uses the chemists' notation for the 4-center indexes. IOdata # uses the physicists' notation. set_four_index_element(result, i0, i2, i1, i3, value) return result