Source code for iodata.formats.molden

# IODATA is an input and output module for quantum chemistry.
# Copyright (C) 2011-2019 The IODATA Development Team
# This file is part of IODATA.
# IODATA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# IODATA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <>
# --
"""Molden file format.

Many QC codes can write out Molden files, e.g. `Molpro <>`_,
`Orca <>`_, `PSI4 <>`_,
`Molden <>`_, `Turbomole <>`_. Keep
in mind that several of these write incorrect versions of the file format, but these
errors are corrected when loading them with IOData.

from typing import Tuple, Union, TextIO
import copy

import attr
import numpy as np

from ..basis import (angmom_its, angmom_sti, MolecularBasis, Shell,
                     convert_conventions, HORTON2_CONVENTIONS)
from ..docstrings import document_load_one, document_dump_one
from ..iodata import IOData
from ..periodic import sym2num, num2sym
from ..orbitals import MolecularOrbitals
from ..overlap import compute_overlap, gob_cart_normalization
from ..utils import angstrom, LineIterator

__all__ = []

PATTERNS = ['*.molden.input', '*.molden']

# From the Molden format documentation:
#    5D: D 0, D+1, D-1, D+2, D-2
#    6D: xx, yy, zz, xy, xz, yz
#    7F: F 0, F+1, F-1, F+2, F-2, F+3, F-3
#   10F: xxx, yyy, zzz, xyy, xxy, xxz, xzz, yzz, yyz, xyz
#    9G: G 0, G+1, G-1, G+2, G-2, G+3, G-3, G+4, G-4
#   15G: xxxx yyyy zzzz xxxy xxxz yyyx yyyz zzzx zzzy,
#        xxyy xxzz yyzz xxyz yyxz zzxy

    (0, 'c'): ['1'],
    (1, 'c'): ['x', 'y', 'z'],
    (2, 'p'): HORTON2_CONVENTIONS[(2, 'p')],
    (2, 'c'): ['xx', 'yy', 'zz', 'xy', 'xz', 'yz'],
    (3, 'p'): HORTON2_CONVENTIONS[(3, 'p')],
    (3, 'c'): ['xxx', 'yyy', 'zzz', 'xyy', 'xxy', 'xxz', 'xzz', 'yzz', 'yyz', 'xyz'],
    (4, 'p'): HORTON2_CONVENTIONS[(4, 'p')],
    (4, 'c'): ['xxxx', 'yyyy', 'zzzz', 'xxxy', 'xxxz', 'xyyy', 'yyyz', 'xzzz',
               'yzzz', 'xxyy', 'xxzz', 'yyzz', 'xxyz', 'xyyz', 'xyzz'],
    # H fubnctions are not officially supported by the Molden format but PSI4
    # and ORCA write out such files anyway.
    (5, 'p'): HORTON2_CONVENTIONS[(5, 'p')],

[docs]@document_load_one("Molden", ['atcoords', 'atnums', 'atcorenums', 'mo', 'obasis'], ['title']) def load_one(lit: LineIterator) -> dict: """Do not edit this docstring. It will be overwritten.""" result = _load_low(lit) _fix_molden_from_buggy_codes(result, lit) return result
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-statements def _load_low(lit: LineIterator) -> dict: """Load data from a MOLDEN input file format, without trying to fix errors. Parameters ---------- lit The line iterator to read the data from. Returns ------- out output dictionary containing ``atcoords``, ``atnums``, ``atcorenums``, ``obasis``, ``mo`` & ``signs`` keys and corresponding values. It may contain ``title`` key and its corresponding value as well. """ pure_angmoms = set([]) atnums = None atcoords = None obasis = None coeffsa = None energiesa = None occsa = None coeffsb = None energiesb = None occsb = None title = None line = next(lit) if line != '[Molden Format]\n': lit.error('Molden header not found') # The order of sections, denoted by "[...]", is not fixed in the Molden # format, so we need a loop that checks for all possible sections at # each iteration. If needed, the contents of the section is read. while True: try: line = next(lit).lower().strip() except StopIteration: # This means we continue reading till the end of the file. # There is no real way to know when a Molden file has ended, other # than reaching the end of the file. break # settings for pure or Cartesian shells. if line.startswith('[5d]') or line.startswith('[5d7f]'): pure_angmoms.add(2) pure_angmoms.add(3) elif line.lower().startswith('[7f]'): pure_angmoms.add(3) elif line.lower().startswith('[5d10f]'): pure_angmoms.add(2) elif line.lower().startswith('[9g]'): pure_angmoms.add(4) # H functions are not part of the Molden standard but the # following line is compatible with files containing H functions # writen by PSI4 and ORCA. pure_angmoms.add(5) # title elif line == '[title]': title = next(lit).strip() # atoms elif line.startswith('[atoms]'): if 'au' in line: cunit = 1.0 elif 'angs' in line: cunit = angstrom atnums, atcorenums, atcoords = _load_helper_atoms(lit, cunit) # we only support Gaussian-type orbitals (gto's) elif line == '[gto]': obasis = _load_helper_obasis(lit) elif line == '[sto]': lit.error('Slater-type orbitals are not supported by IODATA.') # molecular-orbital coefficients. elif line == '[mo]': data_alpha, data_beta = _load_helper_coeffs(lit) occsa, coeffsa, energiesa, irrepsa = data_alpha occsb, coeffsb, energiesb, irrepsb = data_beta # Assign pure and Cartesian correctly. This needs to be done after reading # because the tags for pure functions may come after the basis set. for shell in obasis.shells: # Code only has to work for segmented contractions if shell.angmoms[0] in pure_angmoms: shell.kinds[0] = 'p' if coeffsb is None: if coeffsa.shape[0] != obasis.nbasis: lit.error("Number of alpha orbital coefficients does not match the size of the basis.") mo = MolecularOrbitals( 'restricted', coeffsa.shape[1], coeffsa.shape[1], occsa, coeffsa, energiesa, irrepsa) else: if coeffsb.shape[0] != obasis.nbasis: lit.error("Number of beta orbital coefficients does not match the size of the basis.") mo = MolecularOrbitals( 'unrestricted', coeffsa.shape[1], coeffsb.shape[1], np.concatenate((occsa, occsb), axis=0), np.concatenate((coeffsa, coeffsb), axis=1), np.concatenate((energiesa, energiesb), axis=0), irrepsa + irrepsb) result = { 'atcoords': atcoords, 'atnums': atnums, 'obasis': obasis, 'mo': mo, 'atcorenums': atcorenums, } if title is not None: result['title'] = title return result def _load_helper_atoms(lit: LineIterator, cunit: float) -> \ Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Load element numbers and coordinates.""" atnums = [] atcorenums = [] atcoords = [] for line in lit: if line.strip() == "": break words = line.split() if len(words) != 6: # Go back to previous line and stop lit.back(line) break atnums.append(sym2num[words[0].title()]) atcorenums.append(float(words[2])) atcoords.append([float(words[3]), float(words[4]), float(words[5])]) atnums = np.array(atnums, int) atcorenums = np.array(atcorenums) atcoords = np.array(atcoords) * cunit return atnums, atcorenums, atcoords def _load_helper_obasis(lit: LineIterator) -> MolecularBasis: """Load the orbital basis.""" shells = [] while True: line = next(lit) words = line.split() # Normally a new atom section begins with one or two integers, # of which the second is zero if present. If not, we are done # and have to push one line back. if not (words and words[0].isdigit()): lit.back(line) break icenter = int(words[0]) - 1 # Loop over all shells until reaching an empty line while True: words = next(lit).split() if not words: break # Read a new shell angmom = angmom_sti(words[0]) nprim = int(words[1]) exponents = np.zeros(nprim) coeffs = np.zeros((nprim, 1)) for iprim in range(nprim): words = next(lit).split() exponents[iprim] = float(words[0].replace('D', 'E')) coeffs[iprim, 0] = float(words[1].replace('D', 'E')) # Unless changed later, all shells are assumed to be Cartesian. shells.append(Shell(icenter, [angmom], ['c'], exponents, coeffs)) return MolecularBasis(shells, CONVENTIONS, 'L2') def _load_helper_coeffs(lit: LineIterator) -> Tuple: """Load the orbital coefficients.""" occsa = [] coeffsa = [] energiesa = [] irrepsa = [] occsb = [] coeffsb = [] energiesb = [] irrepsb = [] while True: try: line = next(lit).strip() except StopIteration: # We have no proper way to check when a Molden file has ended, so # we must anticipate for it here. break # An empty line means we are done if line.strip() == "": break # An bracket also means we are done and a new section has started. # Other parts of the parser may need this section line, so we push it # back. if '[' in line: lit.back(line) break # prepare array with orbital coefficients info = {} lit.back(line) for line in lit: if line.count('=') != 1: lit.back(line) break key, value = line.split('=') info[key.strip().lower()] = value occ = float(info['occup']) col = [] energy = float(info['ene']) irrep = info.get('sym', '??').strip() # store column of coefficients, i.e. one orbital, energy and occ if info['spin'].strip().lower() == 'alpha': occsa.append(occ) coeffsa.append(col) energiesa.append(energy) irrepsa.append(irrep) else: occsb.append(occ) coeffsb.append(col) energiesb.append(energy) irrepsb.append(irrep) for line in lit: words = line.split() if len(words) != 2 or not words[0].isdigit(): # The line does not look like an index with an orbital coefficient. # Time to stop and put the line back lit.back(line) break col.append(float(words[1])) coeffsa = np.array(coeffsa).T energiesa = np.array(energiesa) occsa = np.array(occsa) if not coeffsb: coeffsb = None energiesb = None occsb = None else: coeffsb = np.array(coeffsb).T energiesb = np.array(energiesb) occsb = np.array(occsb) return (occsa, coeffsa, energiesa, irrepsa), (occsb, coeffsb, energiesb, irrepsb) def _is_normalized_properly(obasis: MolecularBasis, atcoords: np.ndarray, orb_alpha: np.ndarray, orb_beta: np.ndarray, threshold: float = 1e-4) -> bool: """Test the normalization of the occupied and virtual orbitals. Parameters ---------- obasis A dictionary containing the parameters of the GOBasis class. atcoords The atomic Cartesian coordinates, shape = (natom, 3). orb_alpha The alpha orbitals coefficients orb_beta The beta orbitals (may be None). threshold When the maximal error on the norm is large than the threshold, the function returns False. True is returned otherwise. """ # Compute the overlap matrix. Unfortunately, we have to recalculate it at # every attempt because also the primitive normalization may differ in # different cases. olp = compute_overlap(obasis, atcoords) # Convenient code for debugging files coming from crappy QC codes. # np.set_printoptions(linewidth=5000, precision=2, suppress=True, threshold=100000) # coeffs = orb_alpha._coeffs # if permutation is not None: # coeffs = coeffs[permutation].copy() # if signs is not None: # coeffs = coeffs*signs.reshape(-1, 1) # print,, coeffs)) # print # Convert the orbitals to the conventions of the overlap matrix. # permutation, signs = convert_conventions(obasis, HORTON2_CONVENTIONS) orbs = [orb_alpha] if orb_beta is not None: orbs.append(orb_beta) # Compute the norm of each occupied and virtual orbital. Keep track of # the largest deviation from unity error_max = 0.0 for orb in orbs: for iorb in range(orb.shape[1]): vec = orb[:, iorb].copy() norm =,, vec)) # print(iorb, norm) error_max = max(error_max, abs(norm - 1)) # final judgement return error_max <= threshold def _fix_obasis_orca(obasis: MolecularBasis) -> MolecularBasis: """Return a new MolecularBasis correcting for errors from ORCA. Orca has different normalization conventions for the primitives and also different sign conventions for some of the pure functions. """ orca_conventions = { (0, 'c'): ['1'], (1, 'c'): ['x', 'y', 'z'], (2, 'p'): ['c0', 'c1', 's1', 'c2', 's2'], (2, 'c'): ['xx', 'yy', 'zz', 'xy', 'xz', 'yz'], (3, 'p'): ['c0', 'c1', 's1', 'c2', 's2', '-c3', '-s3'], (3, 'c'): ['xxx', 'yyy', 'zzz', 'xyy', 'xxy', 'xxz', 'xzz', 'yzz', 'yyz', 'xyz'], (4, 'p'): ['c0', 'c1', 's1', 'c2', 's2', '-c3', '-s3', '-c4', '-s4'], (4, 'c'): ['xxxx', 'yyyy', 'zzzz', 'xxxy', 'xxxz', 'xyyy', 'yyyz', 'xzzz', 'yzzz', 'xxyy', 'xxzz', 'yyzz', 'xxyz', 'xyyz', 'xyzz'], # H functions are not officialy supported by Molden, but this is how # ORCA writes Molden files anyway: (5, 'p'): ['c0', 'c1', 's1', 'c2', 's2', '-c3', '-s3', '-c4', '-s4', 'c5', 's5'], } fixed_shells = [] for shell in obasis.shells: fixed_shell = copy.deepcopy(shell) fixed_shells.append(fixed_shell) # We can safely assume segmented shells. angmom = shell.angmoms[0] kind = shell.kinds[0] for iprim, exponent in enumerate(shell.exponents): # Default 1.0: do not to correct anything, unless we know how to correct. correction = 1.0 if angmom == 0: correction = gob_cart_normalization(exponent, np.array([0, 0, 0])) elif angmom == 1: correction = gob_cart_normalization(exponent, np.array([1, 0, 0])) elif angmom == 2 and kind == 'p': correction = gob_cart_normalization(exponent, np.array([1, 1, 0])) elif angmom == 3 and kind == 'p': correction = gob_cart_normalization(exponent, np.array([1, 1, 1])) elif angmom == 4 and kind == 'p': correction = gob_cart_normalization(exponent, np.array([2, 1, 1])) elif angmom == 5 and kind == 'p': correction = gob_cart_normalization(exponent, np.array([5, 0, 0])) if correction != 1.0: fixed_shell.coeffs[iprim, 0] /= correction iprim += 1 return MolecularBasis(fixed_shells, orca_conventions, obasis.primitive_normalization) def _fix_obasis_psi4(obasis: MolecularBasis) -> Union[MolecularBasis, None]: """Return a new MolecularBasis correcting for errors from PSI4 <= 1.0. Old PSI4 version used a different normalization of the primitives. """ fixed_shells = [] corrected = False for shell in obasis.shells: # We can safely assume segmented shells. fixed_shell = copy.deepcopy(shell) fixed_shells.append(fixed_shell) angmom = shell.angmoms[0] kind = shell.kinds[0] for iprim, exponent in enumerate(shell.exponents): # Default 1.0: do not to correct anything, unless we know how to correct. correction = 1.0 if angmom == 0: correction = gob_cart_normalization(exponent, np.array([0, 0, 0])) elif angmom == 1: correction = gob_cart_normalization(exponent, np.array([1, 0, 0])) elif angmom == 2 and kind == 'p': correction = gob_cart_normalization(exponent, np.array([1, 1, 0])) / np.sqrt(3.0) elif angmom == 3 and kind == 'p': correction = gob_cart_normalization(exponent, np.array([1, 1, 1])) / np.sqrt(15.0) # elif angmom == 4 and kind == 'p': ## ! Not tested # correction = gob_cart_normalization(exponent, np.array([2, 1, 1]))/np.sqrt(105.0) if correction != 1.0: corrected = True fixed_shell.coeffs[iprim, 0] /= correction if corrected: return MolecularBasis(fixed_shells, obasis.conventions, obasis.primitive_normalization) return None def _fix_obasis_turbomole(obasis: MolecularBasis) -> Union[MolecularBasis, None]: """Return a new MolecularBasis correcting for errors from turbomole. Turbomole uses a different normalization of the primitives. """ fixed_shells = [] corrected = False for shell in obasis.shells: # We can safely assume segmented shells. fixed_shell = copy.deepcopy(shell) fixed_shells.append(fixed_shell) angmom = shell.angmoms[0] kind = shell.kinds[0] for iprim in range(shell.nprim): # Default 1.0: do not to correct anything, unless we know how to correct. correction = 1.0 if angmom == 2 and kind == 'c': correction = 1.0 / np.sqrt(3.0) elif angmom == 3 and kind == 'c': correction = 1.0 / np.sqrt(15.0) elif angmom == 4 and kind == 'c': correction = 1.0 / np.sqrt(105.0) if correction != 1.0: corrected = True fixed_shell.coeffs[iprim, 0] /= correction if corrected: return MolecularBasis(fixed_shells, obasis.conventions, obasis.primitive_normalization) return None def _fix_obasis_normalize_contractions(obasis: MolecularBasis) -> MolecularBasis: """Return a basis with normalized contractions. Files written by Molden don't need this fix and have properly normalized contractions. When Molden reads files in the Molden format, it does renormalize the contractions and other programs than Molden may generate Molden files with unnormalized contractions. This renormalization is only a last resort in IOData. If we would do it up-front, like Molden, we would not be able to fix errors in files from ORCA and older PSI4 versions. """ fixed_shells = [] for shell in obasis.shells: shell_obasis = MolecularBasis( [attr.evolve(shell, icenter=0)], obasis.conventions, obasis.primitive_normalization ) # 2) Get the first diagonal element of the overlap matrix olpdiag = compute_overlap(shell_obasis, np.zeros((1, 3), float))[0, 0] # 3) Normalize the contraction fixed_shell = copy.deepcopy(shell) fixed_shell.coeffs[:] /= np.sqrt(olpdiag) fixed_shells.append(fixed_shell) return MolecularBasis(fixed_shells, obasis.conventions, obasis.primitive_normalization) def _fix_mo_coeffs_psi4(obasis: MolecularBasis) -> Union[MolecularBasis, None]: """Return correction values for the MO coefficients. PSI4 <= 1.3.2 uses a different normalizationion conventions for Cartesian AO basis functions. The coefficients need to be divided by the returned correction factor. """ correction = [] corrected = False for shell in obasis.shells: # We can safely assume segmented shells. assert shell.ncon == 1 angmom = shell.angmoms[0] kind = shell.kinds[0] factors = None if kind == "c": if angmom == 2: factors = np.sqrt([1] * 3 + [3] * 3) elif angmom == 3: factors = np.sqrt([1] * 3 + [5] * 6 + [15]) elif angmom == 4: factors = np.sqrt([1] * 3 + [7] * 6 + [35 / 3] * 3 + [35] * 3) if factors is None: factors = np.ones(shell.nbasis) else: assert len(factors) == shell.nbasis corrected = True correction.append(factors) if corrected: return np.concatenate(correction) return None def _fix_molden_from_buggy_codes(result: dict, lit: LineIterator): """Detect errors in the data loaded from a molden or mkl file and correct. This function can recognize erroneous files created by PSI4, ORCA and Turbomole. The value `results['obasis']` will be updated accordingly. Parameters ---------- result A dictionary with the data loaded in the ``load_molden`` function. lit The line iterator to read the data from, used for warnings. """ obasis = result['obasis'] atcoords = result['atcoords'] if result['mo'].kind == 'restricted': coeffsa = result['mo'].coeffs # Skip testing coeffsb if it is the same array as coeffsa. coeffsb = None elif result['mo'].kind == 'unrestricted': coeffsa = result['mo'].coeffsa coeffsb = result['mo'].coeffsb else: raise ValueError('Molecular orbital kind={0} not recognized'.format(result['mo'].kind)) if _is_normalized_properly(obasis, atcoords, coeffsa, coeffsb): # The file is good. No need to change obasis. return # --- ORCA orca_obasis = _fix_obasis_orca(obasis) if _is_normalized_properly(orca_obasis, atcoords, coeffsa, coeffsb): lit.warn('Corrected for typical ORCA errors in Molden/MKL file.') result['obasis'] = orca_obasis return # --- PSI4 < 1.0 psi4_obasis = _fix_obasis_psi4(obasis) if psi4_obasis is not None and \ _is_normalized_properly(psi4_obasis, atcoords, coeffsa, coeffsb): lit.warn('Corrected for PSI4 < 1.0 errors in Molden/MKL file.') result['obasis'] = psi4_obasis return # -- Turbomole turbom_obasis = _fix_obasis_turbomole(obasis) if turbom_obasis is not None and \ _is_normalized_properly(turbom_obasis, atcoords, coeffsa, coeffsb): lit.warn('Corrected for Turbomole errors in Molden/MKL file.') result['obasis'] = turbom_obasis return # --- Renormalized contractions normed_obasis = _fix_obasis_normalize_contractions(obasis) if _is_normalized_properly(normed_obasis, atcoords, coeffsa, coeffsb): lit.warn('Corrected for unnormalized contractions in Molden/MKL file.') result['obasis'] = normed_obasis return # --- PSI4 <= 1.3.2 psi4_coeff_correction = _fix_mo_coeffs_psi4(obasis) if psi4_coeff_correction is not None: coeffsa_psi4 = coeffsa / psi4_coeff_correction[:, np.newaxis] if coeffsb is None: coeffsb_psi4 = None else: coeffsb_psi4 = coeffsb / psi4_coeff_correction[:, np.newaxis] if _is_normalized_properly(normed_obasis, atcoords, coeffsa_psi4, coeffsb_psi4): lit.warn('Corrected for PSI4 <= 1.3.2 errors in Molden/MKL file.') result['obasis'] = normed_obasis if result['mo'].kind == 'restricted': result['mo'].coeffs[:] = coeffsa_psi4 else: result['mo'].coeffsa[:] = coeffsa_psi4 result['mo'].coeffsb[:] = coeffsb_psi4 return lit.error('Could not correct the data read from {}. The molden or mkl file ' 'you are trying to load contains errors. Please make an issue ' 'here:, and attach ' 'this file. Please provide one or more small files causing this ' 'error. Thanks!')
[docs]@document_dump_one("Molden", ['atcoords', 'atnums', 'mo', 'obasis'], ['atcorenums', 'title']) def dump_one(f: TextIO, data: IOData): """Do not edit this docstring. It will be overwritten.""" # Print the header f.write('[Molden Format]\n') if data.title is not None: f.write('[Title]\n') f.write(' {}\n'.format(data.title)) # Print the elements numbers and the coordinates f.write('[Atoms] AU\n') for iatom in range(data.natom): atnum = data.atnums[iatom] atcorenum = data.atcorenums[iatom] x, y, z = data.atcoords[iatom] f.write('{:2s} {:3d} {:3.0f} {:25.18f} {:25.18f} {:25.18f}\n'.format( num2sym[atnum].ljust(2), iatom + 1, atcorenum, x, y, z )) f.write('\n') # Print the basis set if data.obasis is None: raise IOError('A Gaussian orbital basis is required to write a molden file.') obasis = data.obasis # Figure out the pure/Cartesian situation. Note that the Molden # format does not support mixed Cartesian and pure functions for the, # same angular momentum. In practice, such combinations are too unlikely # to be relevant. If it happens, an error is raised. angmom_kinds = {} for shell in obasis.shells: for angmom, kind in zip(shell.angmoms, shell.kinds): if angmom in angmom_kinds: if kind != angmom_kinds[angmom]: raise IOError('Molden format does not support mixed ' 'pure+Cartesian functions for one ' 'angular momentum.') else: angmom_kinds[angmom] = kind # Fill in some defaults (Cartesian) for angmom kinds if needed. angmom_kinds.setdefault(2, 'c') angmom_kinds.setdefault(3, 'c') angmom_kinds.setdefault(4, 'c') angmom_kinds.setdefault(5, 'c') # Write out the Cartesian/Pure conventions. What a messy format... if angmom_kinds[2] == 'p': if angmom_kinds[3] == 'p': f.write('[5D]\n') else: f.write('[5D10F]\n') else: if angmom_kinds[3] == 'p': f.write('[7F]\n') if angmom_kinds[4] == 'p': f.write('[9G]\n') f.write('[GTO]\n') last_icenter = -1 # The shells must be sorted by center. for shell in sorted(obasis.shells, key=(lambda s: s.icenter)): if shell.icenter != last_icenter: if last_icenter != -1: f.write("\n") last_icenter = shell.icenter f.write('%3i 0\n' % (shell.icenter + 1)) # Write out as a segmented basis. Molden format does not support # generalized contractions. for iangmom, angmom in enumerate(shell.angmoms): f.write(' {:1s} {:3d} 1.00\n'.format(angmom_its(angmom), shell.nprim)) for exponent, coeff in zip(shell.exponents, shell.coeffs[:, iangmom]): f.write('{:20.10f} {:20.10f}\n'.format(exponent, coeff)) f.write("\n") # Get the permutation to convert the orbital coefficients to Molden conventions. permutation, signs = convert_conventions(obasis, CONVENTIONS) # Print the mean-field orbitals if == 'unrestricted': f.write('[MO]\n') irrepsa = if irrepsa is None: irrepsa = ['1a'] * _dump_helper_orb(f, 'Alpha',,[permutation] * signs.reshape(-1, 1),, irrepsa) irrepsb = if irrepsb is None: irrepsb = ['1a'] * _dump_helper_orb(f, 'Beta',,[permutation] * signs.reshape(-1, 1),, irrepsb) elif == 'restricted': f.write('[MO]\n') irreps = if irreps is None: irreps = ['1a'] * _dump_helper_orb(f, 'Alpha',,[permutation] * signs.reshape(-1, 1),, irreps) else: raise NotImplementedError
def _dump_helper_orb(f, spin, occs, coeffs, energies, irreps): for ifn in range(coeffs.shape[1]): f.write(f' Ene= {energies[ifn]:.17e}\n') f.write(f' Sym= {irreps[ifn]}\n') f.write(f' Spin= {spin}\n') f.write(f' Occup= {occs[ifn]:.17e}\n') for ibasis in range(coeffs.shape[0]): # The original molden floating-point formatting is too low # precision. Molden also reads high-precision, so we use this # instead. # f.write('{:4d} {:10.6f}\n'.format(ibasis + 1, orb_coeffs[ibasis, ifn])) f.write('{:4d} {:.17e}\n'.format(ibasis + 1, coeffs[ibasis, ifn]))