# IODATA is an input and output module for quantum chemistry.
# Copyright (C) 2011-2019 The IODATA Development Team
# This file is part of IODATA.
# IODATA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# IODATA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
# --
"""AIM/AIMAll WFX file format.
See http://aim.tkgristmill.com/wfxformat.html
from collections.abc import Iterator
from typing import Optional, TextIO
from warnings import warn
import numpy as np
from ..basis import MolecularBasis, Shell
from ..convert import convert_conventions
from ..docstrings import document_dump_one, document_load_one
from ..iodata import IOData
from ..orbitals import MolecularOrbitals
from ..periodic import num2sym
from ..prepare import prepare_segmented, prepare_unrestricted_aminusb
from ..utils import LineIterator, LoadError, LoadWarning, PrepareDumpError
from .wfn import CONVENTIONS, build_obasis, get_mocoeff_scales
__all__ = ()
PATTERNS = ["*.wfx"]
def _wfx_labels() -> tuple:
"""Build labels for wfx parser."""
# labels of various sections in WFX file grouped based on their data type
# section labels with string data types
labels_str = {
"<Title>": "title",
"<Keywords>": "keywords",
"<Model>": "model_name",
# section labels with integer number data types
labels_int = {
"<Number of Nuclei>": "num_atoms",
"<Number of Occupied Molecular Orbitals>": "num_occ_mo",
"<Number of Perturbations>": "num_perturbations",
"<Number of Electrons>": "num_electrons",
"<Number of Core Electrons>": "num_core_electrons",
"<Number of Alpha Electrons>": "num_alpha_electron",
"<Number of Beta Electrons>": "num_beta_electron",
"<Number of Primitives>": "num_primitives",
"<Electronic Spin Multiplicity>": "spin_multi",
# section labels with float number data types
labels_float = {
"<Net Charge>": "charge",
"<Energy = T + Vne + Vee + Vnn>": "energy",
"<Virial Ratio (-V/T)>": "virial_ratio",
"<Nuclear Virial of Energy-Gradient-Based Forces on Nuclei, W>": "nuc_viral",
"<Full Virial Ratio, -(V - W)/T>": "full_virial_ratio",
# section labels with array of integer data types
labels_array_int = {
"<Atomic Numbers>": "atnums",
"<Primitive Centers>": "centers",
"<Primitive Types>": "types",
"<MO Numbers>": "mo_numbers", # This is constructed in parse_wfx.
# section labels with array of float data types
labels_array_float = {
"<Nuclear Cartesian Coordinates>": "atcoords",
"<Nuclear Charges>": "nuclear_charge",
"<Primitive Exponents>": "exponents",
"<Molecular Orbital Energies>": "mo_energies",
"<Molecular Orbital Occupation Numbers>": "mo_occs",
"<Molecular Orbital Primitive Coefficients>": "mo_coeffs",
# section labels with other data types
labels_other = {
"<Nuclear Names>": "nuclear_names",
"<Molecular Orbital Spin Types>": "mo_spins",
"<Nuclear Cartesian Energy Gradients>": "nuclear_gradient",
# list of tags corresponding to required sections based on WFX format specifications
required_tags = list(labels_str) + list(labels_int) + list(labels_float)
required_tags += list(labels_array_float) + list(labels_array_int) + list(labels_other)
# remove tags corresponding to optional sections
required_tags.remove("<Number of Core Electrons>")
required_tags.remove("<Electronic Spin Multiplicity>")
required_tags.remove("<Atomic Numbers>")
required_tags.remove("<Full Virial Ratio, -(V - W)/T>")
required_tags.remove("<Nuclear Virial of Energy-Gradient-Based Forces on Nuclei, W>")
required_tags.remove("<Nuclear Cartesian Energy Gradients>")
return (
def load_data_wfx(lit: LineIterator) -> dict:
"""Process loaded WFX data."""
# get all section labels and required labels for WFX files
lbs_str, lbs_int, lbs_float, lbs_aint, lbs_afloat, lbs_other, required_tags = _wfx_labels()
# load sections in WFX and check required tags exists
data = parse_wfx(lit, required_tags)
# process raw data to convert them to proper type based on their label
result = {}
for key, value in data.items():
if key in lbs_str:
if len(value) != 1:
raise LoadError(f"Expecting one value, got {len(value)}", lit)
result[lbs_str[key]] = value[0]
elif key in lbs_int:
if len(value) != 1:
raise LoadError(f"Expecting one value, got {len(value)}", lit)
result[lbs_int[key]] = int(value[0])
elif key in lbs_float:
if len(value) != 1:
raise LoadError(f"Expecting one value, got {len(value)}", lit)
result[lbs_float[key]] = float(value[0])
elif key in lbs_afloat:
result[lbs_afloat[key]] = np.fromstring(" ".join(value), dtype=float, sep=" ")
elif key in lbs_aint:
result[lbs_aint[key]] = np.fromstring(" ".join(value), dtype=int, sep=" ")
elif key in lbs_other:
result[lbs_other[key]] = value
warn(LoadWarning(f"Not recognized section label, skip {key}", lit), stacklevel=2)
# reshape some arrays
result["atcoords"] = result["atcoords"].reshape(-1, 3)
result["mo_coeffs"] = result["mo_coeffs"].reshape(result["num_primitives"], -1, order="F")
# process nuclear gradient, if present
if "nuclear_gradient" in result:
gradient_mix = np.array([i.split() for i in result.pop("nuclear_gradient")]).reshape(-1, 4)
gradient_atoms = gradient_mix[:, 0].astype(np.str_)
index = [result["nuclear_names"].index(atom) for atom in gradient_atoms]
result["atgradient"] = np.full((len(result["nuclear_names"]), 3), np.nan)
result["atgradient"][index] = gradient_mix[:, 1:].astype(float)
# check keywords & number of perturbations
perturbation_check = {"GTO": 0, "GIAO": 3, "CGST": 6}
key = result["keywords"]
num = result["num_perturbations"]
if key not in perturbation_check:
raise LoadError(f"The keywords is {key}, but it should be either GTO, GIAO or CGST.", lit)
if num != perturbation_check[key]:
raise LoadError(
f"Number of perturbations of {key} is {num}, expected {perturbation_check[key]}.", lit
return result
def parse_wfx(lit: LineIterator, required_tags: Optional[list] = None) -> dict:
"""Load data in all sections existing in the given WFX file LineIterator."""
data = {}
mo_start = "<Molecular Orbital Primitive Coefficients>"
section_start = None
while True:
# get a new line
line = next(lit).strip()
except StopIteration:
# check whether line is the start of a section
if section_start is None and line.startswith("<"):
# set start & end of the section and add it to data dictionary
section_start = line
if section_start in data:
raise LoadError(f"Section with tag={section_start} is repeated.", lit)
data[section_start] = []
section_end = line[:1] + "/" + line[1:]
# special handling of <Molecular Orbital Primitive Coefficients> section
if section_start == mo_start:
data["<MO Numbers>"] = []
# check whether line is the (correct) end of the section
elif section_start is not None and line.startswith("</"):
# In some cases, closing tags have a different number of spaces. 8-[
if line.replace(" ", "") != section_end.replace(" ", ""):
raise LoadError(f"Expecting line {section_end} but got {line}.", lit)
# reset section_start variable to signal that section ended
section_start = None
# handle <MO Number> line under <Molecular Orbital Primitive Coefficients> section
elif section_start == mo_start and line == "<MO Number>":
# add MO Number to list
data["<MO Numbers>"].append(next(lit).strip())
# skip '</MO Number>' line
# add section content to the corresponding list in data dictionary
# check if last section was closed
if section_start is not None:
raise LoadError(f"Section {section_start} is not closed at end of file.", lit)
# check required section tags
if required_tags is not None:
for section_tag in required_tags:
if section_tag not in data:
raise LoadError(f"Section {section_tag} is missing from loaded WFX data.", lit)
return data
"WFX", ["atcoords", "atgradient", "atnums", "energy", "extra", "mo", "obasis", "title"]
def load_one(lit: LineIterator) -> dict:
"""Do not edit this docstring. It will be overwritten."""
# get data contained in WFX file with the proper type & shape
data = load_data_wfx(lit)
# Build molecular basis
# ---------------------
# build molecular basis and permutation needed to regroup shells
obasis, permutation = build_obasis(
data["centers"] - 1, data["types"] - 1, data["exponents"], lit
# Build molecular orbitals
# ------------------------
# re-order MO coefficients because the loaded expansion coefficients from WFX typically
# corresponds to basis sets grouped based on their type; that is, all MO coefficients of px
# basis functions are listed together first, then MO coefficients of py basis functions, and
# finally MO coefficients of pz (the same is true for higher angular momentum). However, IOData
# stores basis shells (instead of basis functions), so the p shell with angmom=1 represents
# the px, py, pz basis functions. These shells are used by MolecularBasis (obasis) in
# constructing the basis function. If that is the case for the loaded MO coefficients from WFX,
# they need to be permuted to match obasis expansion of basis set (i.e. to appear in shells).
data["mo_coeffs"] = data["mo_coeffs"][permutation]
# fix normalization because the loaded expansion coefficients from WFX corresponds to
# un-normalized primitives for each normalized MO (which means the primitive normalization
# constants has been included in the MO coefficients). However, IOData expects normalized
# primitives (either L2 or L1 as recorded in MolecularBasis primitive types), so we need to
# divide the MO coefficients by the primitive normalization constants to have them correspond
# to expansion coefficients for normalized primitives. Here, we assume primitives are
# L2-normalized (as stored in obasis.primitive_normalization) which is used in scaling MO
# coefficients to be stored in MolecularOrbitals instance.
data["mo_coeffs"] /= get_mocoeff_scales(obasis).reshape(-1, 1)
# process mo_spins and convert it into restricted or unrestricted & count alpha/beta orbitals
# we do not using the <Model> section for this because it is not guaranteed to be present
# check whether restricted case with "Alpha and Beta" in mo_spins
if any("and" in word for word in data["mo_spins"]):
# count number of alpha & beta molecular orbitals
norbb = data["mo_spins"].count("Alpha and Beta")
norba = norbb + data["mo_spins"].count("Alpha")
# check that mo_spin list contains no surprises
if data["mo_spins"] != ["Alpha and Beta"] * norbb + ["Alpha"] * (norba - norbb):
raise LoadError("Unsupported <Molecular Orbital Spin Types> values.", lit)
if norba != data["mo_coeffs"].shape[1]:
raise LoadError("Number of orbitals inconsistent with orbital spin types.", lit)
# create molecular orbitals, which requires knowing the number of alpha and beta molecular
# orbitals. These are expected to be the same for 'restricted' case, however, the number of
# Alpha/Beta counts might not be the same for the restricted WFX (e.g., restricted
# open-shell calculations that do not print virtual orbitals), so it is safer to use
# `norba` to denote number of both alpha and beta orbitals in MolecularOrbitals.
# See orbitals.py for details to see how number of orbitals are dealt with.
# For restricted wavefunctions, IOData uses the
# occupation numbers to identify the spin types. IOData also has different
# conventions for norba and norbb, see orbitals.py for details.
mo = MolecularOrbitals(
norba, # This is not a typo!
# unrestricted case with "Alpha" and "Beta" in mo_spins
norba = data["mo_spins"].count("Alpha")
norbb = data["mo_spins"].count("Beta")
# check that mo_spin list contains no surprises
if data["mo_spins"] != ["Alpha"] * norba + ["Beta"] * norbb:
raise LoadError("Unsupported molecular orbital spin types.", lit)
# check that number of orbitals match number of MO coefficients
if norba + norbb != data["mo_coeffs"].shape[1]:
raise LoadError("Number of orbitals inconsistent with orbital spin types.", lit)
# Create orbitals. For unrestricted wavefunctions, IOData uses the same
# conventions as WFX.
mo = MolecularOrbitals(
"unrestricted", norba, norbb, data["mo_occs"], data["mo_coeffs"], data["mo_energies"]
# prepare WFX-specific data for IOData
extra_labels = [
extra = {label: data.get(label, None) for label in extra_labels}
extra["permutations"] = permutation
return {
"atcoords": data["atcoords"],
"atgradient": data.get("atgradient"),
"atnums": data["atnums"],
"atcorenums": data["nuclear_charge"],
"energy": data["energy"],
"extra": extra,
"mo": mo,
"obasis": obasis,
"title": data["title"],
def prepare_dump(data: IOData, allow_changes: bool, filename: str) -> IOData:
"""Check the compatibility of the IOData object with the WFX format.
The IOData instance to be checked.
Whether conversion of the IOData object to a compatible form is allowed or not.
The file to be written to, only used for error messages.
The given ``IOData`` object or a shallow copy with some new attributes.
If the given ``IOData`` instance is not compatible with the WFN format.
If the a converted ``IOData`` instance is returned.
if data.mo is None:
raise PrepareDumpError("The WFX format requires molecular orbitals.", filename)
if data.obasis is None:
raise PrepareDumpError("The WFX format requires an orbital basis set.", filename)
if data.mo.kind == "generalized":
raise PrepareDumpError("Cannot write WFX file with generalized orbitals.", filename)
for shell in data.obasis.shells:
if any(kind != "c" for kind in shell.kinds):
raise PrepareDumpError(
"The WFX format only supports Cartesian MolecularBasis.", filename
data = prepare_unrestricted_aminusb(data, allow_changes, filename, "WFX")
return prepare_segmented(data, False, allow_changes, filename, "WFX")
["atcoords", "atnums", "atcorenums", "mo", "obasis", "charge"],
["title", "energy", "spinpol", "lot", "atgradient", "extra"],
def dump_one(f: TextIO, data: IOData):
"""Do not edit this docstring. It will be overwritten."""
# get all tags/labels that can be written into a WFX file
lbs_str, lbs_int, lbs_float, lbs_aint, lbs_afloat, lbs_other, _ = _wfx_labels()
# put all labels in one dictionary and flip key and value for easier use
lbs = {**lbs_str, **lbs_int, **lbs_float, **lbs_aint, **lbs_afloat, **lbs_other}
lbs = {v: k for k, v in lbs.items()}
# de-contract data.obasis
# -----------------------
# get shells for the de-contracted basis
shells = []
for shell in data.obasis.shells:
if shell.ncon != 1:
raise RuntimeError("Generalized contractions not supported. Call prepare_dump first.")
# Decontract the shell
angmom = shell.angmoms[0]
kind = shell.kinds[0]
for exponent, coeff in zip(shell.exponents, shell.coeffs[:, 0]):
shells.append(Shell(shell.icenter, [angmom], [kind], [exponent], [[coeff]]))
# make a new instance of MolecularBasis with de-contracted basis shells; ideally for WFX we
# want the primitive basis set, but IOData only supports shells.
obasis = MolecularBasis(shells, data.obasis.conventions, data.obasis.primitive_normalization)
# expand mo.coeffs in de-contracted basis primitives
# --------------------------------------------------
# expand mo.coeffs in the new basis by repeating de-contracted basis coefficients
permutation, signs = convert_conventions(data.obasis, CONVENTIONS)
raw_coeffs = data.mo.coeffs[permutation] * signs.reshape(-1, 1)
mo_coeffs = np.zeros((obasis.nbasis, data.mo.norb))
index_mo_old, index_mo_new = 0, 0
# loop over the shells of the old basis
for shell in data.obasis.shells:
for angmom, kind in zip(shell.angmoms, shell.kinds):
n = len(data.obasis.conventions[angmom, kind])
c = raw_coeffs[index_mo_old : index_mo_old + n]
for _j in range(shell.nexp):
mo_coeffs[index_mo_new : index_mo_new + n] = c
index_mo_new += n
index_mo_old += n
# fix MO coefficients
# 1) expansion coefficients in WFX correspond to un-normalized primitives, so the primitive
# normalization constants should be included in the MO coefficients. However, IOData stores
# normalized primitives (either L2 or L1 as recorded in MolecularBasis primitive types), so
# we need to multiply the MO coefficients by the primitive normalization constants
scales = get_mocoeff_scales(obasis)
# 2) expansion coefficients in WFX represent the primitive basis coefficients, so contraction
# coefficients needs to be multiplied by the MO expansion coefficients.
contractions = []
for shell in obasis.shells:
contractions.extend(np.repeat(shell.coeffs.ravel(), [shell.nbasis], axis=0))
contractions = np.array(contractions)
# update MO coefficients to include primitives contraction coefficients & normalization
for index in range(mo_coeffs.shape[1]):
mo_coeffs[:, index] *= contractions * scales
# write title & keywords
_write_xml_single(tag=lbs["title"], info=data.title or "<Created with IOData>", file=f)
_write_xml_single(tag=lbs["keywords"], info=data.extra.get("keywords", "GTO"), file=f)
# write number of nuclei & number of primitives
_write_xml_single(tag=lbs["num_atoms"], info=data.natom, file=f)
_write_xml_single(tag=lbs["num_primitives"], info=obasis.nbasis, file=f)
# write number of occupied molecular orbitals
# in practice wfx prints the total number of MO, even though the section title specifies
# "Number of Occupied Molecular Orbitals", which is different from total number of MO when
# you print virtual orbitals in wfx file.
_write_xml_single(tag=lbs["num_occ_mo"], info=data.mo.occs.shape[0], file=f)
# write number of perturbations
_write_xml_single(lbs["num_perturbations"], data.extra.get("num_perturbations", 0), file=f)
# write nuclear names, atomic numbers, and nuclear charges
# add ghost atom, represented by Bq and atomic number 0
num2sym.update({0: "Bq"})
nuclear_names = [f" {num2sym[num]}{index + 1}" for index, num in enumerate(data.atcorenums)]
_write_xml_iterator(tag=lbs["nuclear_names"], info=nuclear_names, file=f)
_write_xml_iterator(tag=lbs["atnums"], info=data.atnums, file=f)
_write_xml_iterator_scientific(tag=lbs["nuclear_charge"], info=data.atcorenums, file=f)
# write nuclear cartesian coordinates
print("<Nuclear Cartesian Coordinates>", file=f)
for item in data.atcoords:
print(f"{item[0]: ,.14E} {item[1]: ,.14E} {item[2]: ,.14E}", file=f)
print("</Nuclear Cartesian Coordinates>", file=f)
# write net charge, number of electrons, number of alpha electrons, and number beta electrons
_write_xml_single_scientific(tag=lbs["charge"], info=data.charge, file=f)
_write_xml_single(tag=lbs["num_electrons"], info=int(data.nelec), file=f)
# wfx expects integer values for number of alpha/beta electrons but int rounds down the float
# so round is used before turning it to integer to get the correct number.
_write_xml_single(tag=lbs["num_alpha_electron"], info=int(round(sum(data.mo.occsa))), file=f)
_write_xml_single(tag=lbs["num_beta_electron"], info=int(round(sum(data.mo.occsb))), file=f)
# write electronic spin multiplicity and model (both optional)
if data.spinpol is not None:
_write_xml_single(tag=lbs["spin_multi"], info=int(data.spinpol + 1), file=f)
if data.lot is not None:
_write_xml_single(tag=lbs["model_name"], info=data.lot, file=f)
# write primitive centers
prim_centers = [shell.icenter + 1 for shell in obasis.shells for _ in range(shell.nbasis)]
print("<Primitive Centers>", file=f)
for j in range(0, len(prim_centers), 10):
print(" ".join([f"{c:d}" for c in prim_centers[j : j + 10]]), file=f)
print("</Primitive Centers>", file=f)
# write primitive types
angmom_prim = {}
count = 1
for angmom in range(max([shell.angmoms[0] for shell in obasis.shells]) + 1):
angmom_prim[angmom] = [count + i for i in range(len(obasis.conventions[angmom, "c"]))]
count += len(obasis.conventions[angmom, "c"])
prim_types = [item for shell in obasis.shells for item in angmom_prim[shell.angmoms[0]]]
print("<Primitive Types>", file=f)
for j in range(0, len(prim_types), 10):
print(" ".join([f"{c:d}" for c in prim_types[j : j + 10]]), file=f)
print("</Primitive Types>", file=f)
# write primitive exponents
exponents = [shell.exponents[0] for shell in obasis.shells for _ in range(shell.nbasis)]
print("<Primitive Exponents>", file=f)
for j in range(0, len(exponents), 4):
print(" ".join([f"{e: ,.14E}" for e in exponents[j : j + 4]]), file=f)
print("</Primitive Exponents>", file=f)
# write molecular orbital occupation numbers
_write_xml_iterator_scientific(tag=lbs["mo_occs"], info=data.mo.occs, file=f)
# write molecular orbital energies
_write_xml_iterator_scientific(tag=lbs["mo_energies"], info=data.mo.energies, file=f)
# write molecular orbital spin types
if data.mo.kind == "restricted":
mo_spin = ["Alpha and Beta "] * len(data.mo.occs)
mo_spin = ["Alpha"] * len(data.mo.occsa) + ["Beta"] * len(data.mo.occsb)
_write_xml_iterator(tag=lbs["mo_spins"], info=mo_spin, file=f)
# write MO primitive coefficients
print("<Molecular Orbital Primitive Coefficients>", file=f)
for mo in range(len(data.mo.occs)):
print("<MO Number>", file=f)
print(str(mo + 1), file=f)
print("</MO Number>", file=f)
for j in range(0, obasis.nbasis, 4):
print(" ".join([f"{c: ,.14E}" for c in mo_coeffs.T[mo][j : j + 4]]), file=f)
print("</Molecular Orbital Primitive Coefficients>", file=f)
# write energy and virial ratio; use ' NAN' when None (not available)
_write_xml_single_scientific(tag=lbs["energy"], info=data.energy or np.nan, file=f)
_write_xml_single_scientific(lbs["virial_ratio"], data.extra.get("virial_ratio", np.nan), f)
# write nuclear Cartesian energy gradients (optional)
if data.atgradient is not None:
nuc_cart_energy_grad = list(zip(nuclear_names, data.atgradient))
print("<Nuclear Cartesian Energy Gradients>", file=f)
for atom in nuc_cart_energy_grad:
f"{atom[1][0]: ,.14E} {atom[1][1]: ,.14E} {atom[1][2]: ,.14E}",
print("</Nuclear Cartesian Energy Gradients>", file=f)
# nuclear virial of energy-gradient-based forces on nuclei (optional)
if data.extra.get("nuc_viral") is not None:
_write_xml_single_scientific(tag=lbs["nuc_viral"], info=data.extra["nuc_viral"], file=f)
# write full virial ratio (optional)
if data.extra.get("full_virial_ratio") is not None:
_write_xml_single_scientific(lbs["full_virial_ratio"], data.extra["full_virial_ratio"], f)
# number of core electrons (optional)
if data.extra.get("num_core_electrons") is not None:
_write_xml_single(lbs["num_core_electrons"], data.extra["num_core_electrons"], f)
def _write_xml_single(tag: str, info: [str, int], file: TextIO) -> None:
"""Write header, tail and the data between them into the file."""
print(tag, file=file)
print(info, file=file)
print("</" + tag.lstrip("<"), file=file)
def _write_xml_single_scientific(tag: str, info: float, file: TextIO) -> None:
"""Write header, tail and the data between them into the file."""
print(tag, file=file)
print(f"{info: ,.14E}", file=file)
print("</" + tag.lstrip("<"), file=file)
def _write_xml_iterator(tag: str, info: Iterator, file: TextIO) -> None:
"""Write list of arrays to file."""
print(tag, file=file)
for info_line in info:
print(info_line, file=file)
print("</" + tag.lstrip("<"), file=file)
def _write_xml_iterator_scientific(tag: str, info: Iterator, file: TextIO) -> None:
"""Write list of arrays to file."""
print(tag, file=file)
for info_line in info:
print(f"{info_line: ,.14E}", file=file)
print("</" + tag.lstrip("<"), file=file)