Source code for iodata.orbitals

# IODATA is an input and output module for quantum chemistry.
# Copyright (C) 2011-2019 The IODATA Development Team
# This file is part of IODATA.
# IODATA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# IODATA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
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# --
"""Data structure for molecular orbitals."""

import attr
import numpy as np

from .attrutils import validate_shape

__all__ = ['MolecularOrbitals']

[docs]@attr.s(auto_attribs=True, slots=True, on_setattr=[attr.setters.validate, attr.setters.convert]) class MolecularOrbitals: """Class of Orthonormal Molecular Orbitals. Attributes ---------- kind Type of molecular orbitals, which can be 'restricted', 'unrestricted', or 'generalized'. norba Number of alpha molecular orbitals, set to `None` in case of type=='generalized'. norbb Number of beta molecular orbitals, set to `None` in case of type=='generalized'. This is expected to be equal to `norba` for the `restricted` kind. occs Molecular orbital occupation numbers. The length equals the number of columns of coeffs. coeffs Molecular orbital coefficients. In case of restricted: shape = (nbasis, norba) = (nbasis, norbb). In case of unrestricted: shape = (nbasis, norba + norbb). In case of generalized: shape = (2 * nbasis, norb), where norb is the total number of orbitals. energies Molecular orbital energies. The length equals the number of columns of coeffs. irreps Irreducible representation. The length equals the number of columns of coeffs. Warning: the interpretation of the occupation numbers may only be suitable for single-reference orbitals (not fractionally occupied natural orbitals.) When an occupation number is in ]0, 1], it is assumed that an alpha orbital is (fractionally) occupied. When an occupation number is in ]1, 2], it is assumed that the alpha orbital is fully occupied and the beta orbital is (fractionally) occupied. """ kind: str norba: int norbb: int occs: np.ndarray = attr.ib( validator=attr.validators.optional(validate_shape(("coeffs", 1)))) coeffs: np.ndarray = attr.ib(validator=validate_shape(None, None)) energies: np.ndarray = attr.ib( validator=attr.validators.optional(validate_shape(("coeffs", 1)))) irreps: np.ndarray = attr.ib( validator=attr.validators.optional(validate_shape(("coeffs", 1)))) @property def nelec(self) -> float: """Return the total number of electrons.""" return self.occs.sum() @property def nbasis(self): """Return the number of spatial basis functions.""" if self.kind == 'generalized': return self.coeffs.shape[0] // 2 return self.coeffs.shape[0] @property def norb(self): """Return the number of orbitals.""" return self.coeffs.shape[1] @property def spinpol(self) -> float: """Return the spin polarization of the Slater determinant.""" if self.kind == 'restricted': nbeta = np.clip(self.occs, 0, 1).sum() return abs(self.nelec - 2 * nbeta) if self.kind == 'unrestricted': return abs(self.occsa.sum() - self.occsb.sum()) raise NotImplementedError @property def occsa(self): """Return alpha occupation numbers.""" if self.kind == 'restricted': return np.clip(self.occs, 0, 1) if self.kind == 'unrestricted': return self.occs[:self.norba] raise NotImplementedError @property def occsb(self): """Return beta occupation numbers.""" if self.kind == 'restricted': return self.occs - np.clip(self.occs, 0, 1) if self.kind == 'unrestricted': return self.occs[self.norba:] raise NotImplementedError @property def coeffsa(self): """Return alpha orbital coefficients.""" if self.kind == 'restricted': return self.coeffs if self.kind == 'unrestricted': return self.coeffs[:, :self.norba] raise NotImplementedError @property def coeffsb(self): """Return beta orbital coefficients.""" if self.kind == 'restricted': return self.coeffs if self.kind == 'unrestricted': return self.coeffs[:, self.norba:] raise NotImplementedError @property def irrepsa(self): """Return alpha irreps.""" if self.irreps is None: return None if self.kind == 'restricted': return self.irreps if self.kind == 'unrestricted': return self.irreps[:self.norba] raise NotImplementedError @property def irrepsb(self): """Return beta irreps.""" if self.irreps is None: return None if self.kind == 'restricted': return self.irreps if self.kind == 'unrestricted': return self.irreps[self.norba:] raise NotImplementedError @property def energiesa(self): """Return alpha orbital energies.""" if self.kind == 'restricted': return self.energies if self.kind == 'unrestricted': return self.energies[:self.norba] raise NotImplementedError @property def energiesb(self): """Return beta orbital energies.""" if self.kind == 'restricted': return self.energies if self.kind == 'unrestricted': return self.energies[self.norba:] raise NotImplementedError