# IODATA is an input and output module for quantum chemistry.
# Copyright (C) 2011-2019 The IODATA Development Team
# This file is part of IODATA.
# IODATA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# IODATA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
# --
"""Test iodata.formats.json module."""
import json
import os
from importlib.resources import as_file, files
import numpy as np
import pytest
from ..api import dump_one, load_one
from ..utils import LoadError, LoadWarning
# Tests for qcschema_molecule
# GEOMS: dict of str: NDArray(N, 3)
"LiCl": np.array([[0.000000, 0.000000, -1.631761], [0.000000, 0.000000, 0.287958]]),
"OHr": np.array([[0.0, 0.0, -0.12947694], [0.0, -1.49418734, 1.02744651]]),
"CuSCN": np.array(
[1.469987, -0.328195, 0.052136],
[3.593873, -0.020962, 0.010402],
[3.968446, -1.653292, 0.232148],
[4.253724, -2.762010, 0.382764],
"H2O": np.array([[0.0, 0.0, -0.1295], [0.0, -1.4942, 1.0274], [0.0, 1.4942, 1.0274]]),
"H2O_MP2": np.array([[0.0, 0.0, -0.1294], [0.0, -1.4941, 1.0274], [0.0, 1.4941, 1.0274]]),
# These molecule examples were manually generated for testing
# MOL_FILES: (filename, atnums, charge, spinpol, geometry)
("LiCl_molecule.json", [3, 17], 0, 0, GEOMS["LiCl"], 0),
# Manual validation of molpro_uks_hydroxyl_radical_gradient_output.json
("Hydroxyl_radical_molecule.json", [8, 1], 0, 1, GEOMS["OHr"], 0),
# Warnings:
# has both masses and mass numbers
("CuSCN_molecule.json", [29, 16, 6, 7], 0, 0, GEOMS["CuSCN"], 1),
("filename", "atnums", "charge", "spinpol", "geometry", "nwarn"), MOL_FILES
def test_qcschema_molecule(filename, atnums, charge, spinpol, geometry, nwarn):
"""Test qcschema_molecule parsing using manually generated files."""
with as_file(files("iodata.test.data").joinpath(filename)) as qcschema_molecule:
if nwarn == 0:
mol = load_one(str(qcschema_molecule), fmt="json_qcschema")
with pytest.warns(LoadWarning) as record:
mol = load_one(str(qcschema_molecule), fmt="json_qcschema")
assert len(record) == nwarn
np.testing.assert_equal(mol.atnums, atnums)
assert mol.charge == charge
assert mol.spinpol == spinpol
np.testing.assert_allclose(mol.atcoords, geometry)
# Not a single valid example of qcschema_molecule is easily found for anything but water
# These molecule examples are sourced from the QCEngineRecords repo or from the QCSchema site
# MOLSSI_MOL_FILES: (filename, atnums, charge, spinpol, warnings)
# Extracted from qchem_logonly_rimp2_watercluster_gradient_output.json
# Warnings:
# has both masses and mass numbers
("water_cluster.json", np.array([8, 1, 1, 8, 1, 1, 8, 1, 1]), 0, 0, 1),
# Extracted from qchem_hf_water_energy_input.json
# Warnings:
# has both masses and mass numbers
("water_full.json", np.array([8, 1, 1]), 0, 0, 1),
# Copied from QCSchema RTD site
# Warnings:
# no schema_name (warned in load_one and parsing molecule keys)
# no schema_version (warned in load_one & parsing molecule keys & unknown version)
# missing molecular_charge key
# missing molecular_multiplicity key
("incomplete_water.json", np.array([8, 1, 1]), 0, 0, 7),
# Copied from QCSchema RTD site
# Warnings:
# missing molecular_charge key
# missing molecular_multiplicity key
("old_water.json", np.array([8, 1, 1]), 0, 0, 2),
@pytest.mark.parametrize(("filename", "atnums", "charge", "spinpol", "nwarn"), MOLSSI_MOL_FILES)
def test_molssi_qcschema_molecule(filename, atnums, charge, spinpol, nwarn):
"""Test qcschema_molecule parsing using MolSSI-sourced files."""
with (
as_file(files("iodata.test.data").joinpath(filename)) as qcschema_molecule,
pytest.warns(LoadWarning) as record,
mol = load_one(str(qcschema_molecule), fmt="json_qcschema")
np.testing.assert_equal(mol.atnums, atnums)
assert mol.charge == charge
assert mol.spinpol == spinpol
assert len(record) == nwarn
# Unparsed dicts for test files
"extra": {"another_field": True},
"nested_extra": {
"related_projects": {"HSAB": {"id": "HSAB_2019_LALB"}, "4PB3": {"id": "4PB3_2020_Group1"}}
# Test passthrough for molecule files using modified versions of CuSCN_molecule.json
# PASSTHROUGH_MOL_FILES: {filename, unparsed_dict}
("CuSCN_molecule_extra.json", UNPARSED["extra"]),
("CuSCN_molecule_nested_extra.json", UNPARSED["nested_extra"]),
@pytest.mark.parametrize(("filename", "unparsed_dict"), PASSTHROUGH_MOL_FILES)
def test_passthrough_qcschema_molecule(filename, unparsed_dict):
"""Test qcschema_molecule parsing for passthrough of unparsed keys."""
with (
as_file(files("iodata.test.data").joinpath(filename)) as qcschema_molecule,
pytest.warns(LoadWarning) as record,
mol = load_one(str(qcschema_molecule), fmt="json_qcschema")
assert mol.extra["molecule"]["unparsed"] == unparsed_dict
assert len(record) == 1
def _check_provenance(mol1, mol2):
"""Test the provenance information, if available, to avoid updating version on test files."""
if "provenance" not in mol1:
return isinstance(mol2["provenance"], dict)
if isinstance(mol1["provenance"], dict):
return mol1["provenance"] in mol2["provenance"]
if isinstance(mol1["provenance"], list):
for entry in mol1["provenance"]:
assert entry in mol2["provenance"]
return True
return False
("LiCl_molecule.json", 0),
("Hydroxyl_radical_molecule.json", 0),
("CuSCN_molecule.json", 1),
("CuSCN_molecule_extra.json", 1),
("CuSCN_molecule_nested_extra.json", 1),
@pytest.mark.parametrize(("filename", "nwarn"), INOUT_MOL_FILES)
def test_inout_qcschema_molecule(tmpdir, filename, nwarn):
"""Test that loading and dumping qcschema_molecule files retains all data."""
with as_file(files("iodata.test.data").joinpath(filename)) as qcschema_molecule:
if nwarn == 0:
mol = load_one(str(qcschema_molecule), fmt="json_qcschema")
with pytest.warns(LoadWarning) as record:
mol = load_one(str(qcschema_molecule), fmt="json_qcschema")
assert len(record) == nwarn
mol1 = json.loads(qcschema_molecule.read_bytes())
fn_tmp = os.path.join(tmpdir, "test_qcschema_mol.json")
dump_one(mol, fn_tmp, fmt="json_qcschema")
with open(fn_tmp) as mol2_in:
mol2 = json.load(mol2_in)
# Check that prior provenance info is kept
assert _check_provenance(mol1, mol2)
if "provenance" in mol1:
del mol1["provenance"]
if "provenance" in mol2:
del mol2["provenance"]
assert mol1 == mol2
@pytest.mark.parametrize("filename", INOUT_MOLSSI_MOL_FILES)
def test_inout_molssi_qcschema_molecule(tmpdir, filename):
"""Test that loading and dumping qcschema_molecule files retains all relevant data."""
with as_file(files("iodata.test.data").joinpath(filename)) as qcschema_molecule:
with pytest.warns(LoadWarning) as record:
mol = load_one(str(qcschema_molecule), fmt="json_qcschema")
mol1_preproc = json.loads(qcschema_molecule.read_bytes())
assert len(record) == 1
fn_tmp = os.path.join(tmpdir, "test_qcschema_mol.json")
dump_one(mol, fn_tmp, fmt="json_qcschema")
with open(fn_tmp) as mol2_in:
mol2 = json.load(mol2_in)
# Extra processing for testing:
# Remove all null entries and empty dicts in json
# QCEngine seems to add null entries and empty dicts even for optional and empty keys
fix_keys = {k: v for k, v in mol1_preproc.items() if v is not None}
fix_subkeys = {}
for key in fix_keys:
if isinstance(fix_keys[key], dict):
fix_subkeys[key] = {k: v for k, v in fix_keys[key].items() if v is not None}
mol1 = {**fix_keys, **fix_subkeys}
# Remove empty dicts
keys = list(mol1.keys())
for key in keys:
if isinstance(mol1[key], dict) and not bool(mol1[key]):
del mol1[key]
# Check that prior provenance info is kept
assert _check_provenance(mol1, mol2)
if "provenance" in mol1:
del mol1["provenance"]
if "provenance" in mol2:
del mol2["provenance"]
assert mol1 == mol2
def test_ghost(tmpdir):
source = files("iodata.test.data").joinpath("water_cluster_ghost.json")
with as_file(source) as qcschema_molecule:
mol = load_one(str(qcschema_molecule), fmt="json_qcschema")
np.testing.assert_allclose(mol.atcorenums, [8, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
fn_tmp = os.path.join(tmpdir, "test_ghost.json")
dump_one(mol, fn_tmp, fmt="json_qcschema")
with open(fn_tmp) as mol2_in:
mol2 = json.load(mol2_in)
assert mol2["real"] == [True] * 3 + [False] * 6
# input_files: (filename, explicit_basis, lot, obasis_name, run_type, geometry)
("H2O_HF_STO3G_Gaussian_input.json", False, "HF", "STO-3G", "energy", GEOMS["H2O"]),
("LiCl_string_STO4G_input.json", False, "B3LYP", "Def2TZVP", None, GEOMS["LiCl"]),
("LiCl_explicit_STO4G_input.json", True, "HF", None, None, GEOMS["LiCl"]),
("LiCl_STO4G_Gaussian_input.json", False, "HF", "STO-4G", "freq", GEOMS["LiCl"]),
("water_mp2_input.json", False, "MP2", "cc-pVDZ", None, GEOMS["H2O_MP2"]),
# Test passthrough for input files using modified versions of CuSCN_molecule.json
# PASSTHROUGH_INPUT_FILES: {filename, unparsed_dict, location}
("LiCl_STO4G_Gaussian_input_extra.json", UNPARSED["extra"], "input"),
("LiCl_STO4G_Gaussian_input_nested_extra.json", UNPARSED["nested_extra"], "input"),
("LiCl_STO4G_Gaussian_input_extra_molecule.json", UNPARSED["extra"], "molecule"),
("H2O_HF_STO3G_Gaussian_input.json", 0),
("LiCl_string_STO4G_input.json", 0),
("LiCl_STO4G_Gaussian_input.json", 0),
("LiCl_STO4G_Gaussian_input_extra.json", 0),
("LiCl_STO4G_Gaussian_input_nested_extra.json", 0),
("LiCl_STO4G_Gaussian_input_extra_molecule.json", 0),
# output_files: (filename, lot, obasis_name, run_type, nwarn)
("H2O_CCSDprTpr_STO3G_output.json", "CCSD(T)", "sto-3g", None, 0),
("LiCl_STO4G_Gaussian_output.json", "HF", "STO-4G", "Freq", 0),
("xtb_water_no_basis.json", "XTB", None, None, 3),
@pytest.mark.parametrize(("filename", "lot", "obasis_name", "run_type", "nwarn"), OUTPUT_FILES)
def test_qcschema_output(filename, lot, obasis_name, run_type, nwarn):
with as_file(files("iodata.test.data").joinpath(filename)) as qcschema_output:
if nwarn == 0:
with pytest.warns(LoadWarning):
mol = load_one(str(qcschema_output), fmt="json_qcschema")
with pytest.warns(LoadWarning) as record:
mol = load_one(str(qcschema_output), fmt="json_qcschema")
assert len(record) == nwarn
assert mol.lot == lot
assert mol.obasis_name == obasis_name
assert mol.run_type == run_type
# Not a single valid example of qcschema_molecule is easily found for anything but water
# Some of these files have been manually validated, as reflected in the provenance
# bad_mol_files: (filename, error)
("turbomole_water_energy_hf_output.json", LoadError),
("turbomole_water_gradient_rimp2_output.json", LoadError),
@pytest.mark.parametrize(("filename", "error"), BAD_OUTPUT_FILES)
def test_bad_qcschema_files(filename, error):
# FIXME: these will move
with (
as_file(files("iodata.test.data").joinpath(filename)) as qcschema_input,
load_one(str(qcschema_input), fmt="json_qcschema")
@pytest.mark.parametrize("filename", INOUT_OUTPUT_FILES)
def test_inout_qcschema_output(tmpdir, filename):
"""Test that loading and dumping qcschema_molecule files retains all data."""
with as_file(files("iodata.test.data").joinpath(filename)) as qcschema_input:
with pytest.warns(LoadWarning):
mol = load_one(str(qcschema_input), fmt="json_qcschema")
mol1 = json.loads(qcschema_input.read_bytes())
fn_tmp = os.path.join(tmpdir, "test_input_mol.json")
dump_one(mol, fn_tmp, fmt="json_qcschema")
with open(fn_tmp) as mol2_in:
mol2 = json.load(mol2_in)
# Check that prior provenance info is kept
assert _check_provenance(mol1, mol2)
if "provenance" in mol1:
del mol1["provenance"]
if "provenance" in mol1["molecule"]:
del mol1["molecule"]["provenance"]
if "provenance" in mol2:
del mol2["provenance"]
if "provenance" in mol2["molecule"]:
del mol2["molecule"]["provenance"]
assert mol1 == mol2