Source code for iodata.test.test_molekel

# IODATA is an input and output module for quantum chemistry.
# Copyright (C) 2011-2019 The IODATA Development Team
# This file is part of IODATA.
# IODATA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# IODATA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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# --
"""Test iodata.formats.molekel module."""

import os
import warnings
from importlib.resources import as_file, files
from typing import Optional

import pytest
from numpy.testing import assert_allclose, assert_equal

from ..api import dump_one, load_one
from ..convert import convert_conventions
from ..overlap import compute_overlap
from ..utils import LoadWarning, PrepareDumpError, PrepareDumpWarning, angstrom
from .common import (

[docs] def compare_mols_diff_formats(mol1, mol2): """Compare two IOData objects loaded from different formats.""" assert_equal(mol1.atnums, mol2.atnums) assert_equal(mol1.atcorenums, mol2.atcorenums) # Atol set to 1e-15 to be able to treat values with really low exponents as 0 assert_allclose(mol1.atcoords, mol2.atcoords, rtol=1e-07, atol=1e-15) # wfn assert mol1.obasis.primitive_normalization == mol2.obasis.primitive_normalization permutation, signs = convert_conventions(mol1.obasis, mol2.obasis.conventions) assert == assert_allclose(, assert_allclose([permutation] * signs.reshape(-1, 1),, atol=1e-8) assert_allclose(, # compute and compare Mulliken charges charges1 = compute_mulliken_charges(mol1) charges2 = compute_mulliken_charges(mol2) assert_allclose(charges1, charges2, rtol=0.0, atol=1.0e-6)
[docs] def check_load_dump_consistency( fn: str, tmpdir: str, match: Optional[str] = None, allow_changes: bool = False ): """Check if data is preserved after dumping and loading a Molekel file. Parameters ---------- fn The Molekel filename to load tmpdir The temporary directory to dump and load the file. match When given, loading the file is expected to raise a warning whose message string contains match. allow_changes Whether to allow changes to the data when writing the file. When True, warnings related to the changes are tested. """ mol1 = load_one_warning(fn, match=match) fn_tmp = os.path.join(tmpdir, "") if allow_changes: with pytest.warns(PrepareDumpWarning): dump_one(mol1, fn_tmp, fmt="molekel", allow_changes=True) else: dump_one(mol1, fn_tmp, fmt="molekel") mol2 = load_one(fn_tmp, fmt="molekel") form = fn.split(".") if "molden" in form or "fchk" in form: compare_mols_diff_formats(mol1, mol2) else: compare_mols(mol1, mol2)
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("path", "match", "allow_changes"), [ ("h2_sto3g.mkl", "ORCA", False), pytest.param("ethanol.mkl", "ORCA", False, marks=pytest.mark.slow), pytest.param("li2.mkl", "ORCA", False, marks=pytest.mark.slow), pytest.param("li2.molden.input", "ORCA", False, marks=pytest.mark.slow), ("li2_g09_nbasis_indep.fchk", None, True), ], ) def test_load_dump_consistency(tmpdir, path, match, allow_changes): check_load_dump_consistency(path, tmpdir, match, allow_changes)
[docs] def test_load_mkl_ethanol(): mol = load_one_warning("ethanol.mkl", match="ORCA") # Direct checks with mkl file assert_equal(mol.atnums.shape, (9,)) assert_equal(mol.atnums[0], 1) assert_equal(mol.atnums[4], 6) assert_equal(mol.atcoords.shape, (9, 3)) assert_allclose(mol.atcoords[2, 1] / angstrom, 2.239037, atol=1.0e-5) assert_allclose(mol.atcoords[5, 2] / angstrom, 0.948420, atol=1.0e-5) assert_equal(mol.atcharges["mulliken"].shape, (9,)) q = [0.143316, -0.445861, 0.173045, 0.173021, 0.024542, 0.143066, 0.143080, -0.754230, 0.400021] assert_allclose(mol.atcharges["mulliken"], q) assert mol.obasis.nbasis == 39 assert_allclose(mol.obasis.shells[0].exponents[0], 18.731137000) assert_allclose(mol.obasis.shells[4].exponents[0], 7.868272400) assert_allclose(mol.obasis.shells[7].exponents[1], 2.825393700) # No correspondence due to correction of the normalization of # the primivitves: # assert_allclose(mol.obasis.shells[2].coeffs[1, 0], 0.989450608) # assert_allclose(mol.obasis.shells[2].coeffs[3, 0], 2.079187061) # assert_allclose(mol.obasis.shells[-1].coeffs[-1, -1], 0.181380684) assert_equal([shell.icenter for shell in mol.obasis.shells[:5]], [0, 0, 1, 1, 1]) assert_equal([shell.angmoms[0] for shell in mol.obasis.shells[:5]], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1]) assert_equal([shell.nexp for shell in mol.obasis.shells[:5]], [3, 1, 6, 3, 3]) assert_equal(, (39, 39)) assert_equal(, (39,)) assert_equal(, (39,)) assert_equal([:13], 2.0) assert_equal([13:], 0.0) assert_allclose([4], -1.0206976) assert_allclose([-1], 2.0748685) assert_allclose([0, 0], 0.0000119) assert_allclose([1, 0], -0.0003216) assert_allclose([-1, -1], -0.1424743)
[docs] @pytest.mark.slow() def test_load_mkl_li2(): mol = load_one_warning("li2.mkl", match="ORCA") assert_equal(mol.atcharges["mulliken"].shape, (2,)) assert_allclose(mol.atcharges["mulliken"], [0.5, 0.5]) # check mo normalization olp = compute_overlap(mol.obasis, mol.atcoords) check_orthonormal(, olp) check_orthonormal(, olp)
[docs] def test_load_mkl_h2(): mol = load_one_warning("h2_sto3g.mkl", match="ORCA") assert_equal(mol.atcharges["mulliken"].shape, (2,)) assert_allclose(mol.atcharges["mulliken"], [0, 0]) # check mo normalization olp = compute_overlap(mol.obasis, mol.atcoords) check_orthonormal(, olp)
[docs] def test_load_mkl_h2_huge_threshold(): with as_file(files("").joinpath("h2_sto3g.mkl")) as fn_molekel: warnings.simplefilter("error") # The threshold is set very high, which skip a correction for ORCA. load_one(str(fn_molekel), norm_threshold=1e4)
[docs] def test_generalized_orbitals(): # The Molden format does not support generalized MOs data = create_generalized_orbitals() with pytest.raises(PrepareDumpError): dump_one(data, "generalized.mkl")
[docs] def test_load_wrong_spin_mult(): with ( as_file(files("").joinpath("water_wrong_spinmult.mkl")) as fn_molekel, pytest.warns(LoadWarning), ): data = load_one(fn_molekel) assert_allclose(data.spinpol, 3)