Source code for iodata.test.test_wfx

# IODATA is an input and output module for quantum chemistry.
# Copyright (C) 2011-2019 The IODATA Development Team
# This file is part of IODATA.
# IODATA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# IODATA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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"""Test iodata.formats.wfn module."""

import os
from importlib.resources import as_file, files
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
import pytest
from numpy.testing import assert_allclose, assert_equal

from ..api import dump_one, load_one
from ..formats.wfx import load_data_wfx, parse_wfx
from ..overlap import compute_overlap
from ..utils import LineIterator, LoadError, PrepareDumpError, PrepareDumpWarning
from .common import (

[docs] def helper_load_data_wfx(fn_wfx): """Load a testing WFX file with iodata.formats.wfx.load_data_wfx.""" with as_file(files("").joinpath(fn_wfx)) as fx, LineIterator(str(fx)) as lit: return load_data_wfx(lit)
[docs] def check_load_dump_consistency(fn: str, tmpdir: str): """Check if data is preserved after dumping and loading a Wfx file. Parameters ---------- fn The Molekel filename to load tmpdir The temporary directory to dump and load the file. """ with as_file(files("").joinpath(fn)) as file_name: mol1 = load_one(str(file_name)) fn_tmp = os.path.join(tmpdir, "foo.wfx") dump_one(mol1, fn_tmp) mol2 = load_one(fn_tmp) compare_mols(mol1, mol2) # compare Mulliken charges charges1 = compute_mulliken_charges(mol1) charges2 = compute_mulliken_charges(mol2) assert_allclose(charges2, charges1, rtol=1.0e-7, atol=0.0)
[docs] def test_load_dump_consistency_water(tmpdir): check_load_dump_consistency("water_sto3g_hf.wfx", tmpdir)
[docs] def test_load_dump_consistency_h2(tmpdir): check_load_dump_consistency("h2_ub3lyp_ccpvtz.wfx", tmpdir)
[docs] def test_load_dump_consistency_lih_cation_cisd(tmpdir): check_load_dump_consistency("lih_cation_cisd.wfx", tmpdir)
[docs] def test_load_dump_consistency_lih_cation_uhf(tmpdir): check_load_dump_consistency("lih_cation_uhf.wfx", tmpdir)
[docs] def test_load_dump_consistency_lih_cation_rohf(tmpdir): check_load_dump_consistency("lih_cation_rohf.wfx", tmpdir)
[docs] def compare_mulliken_charges( fname: str, tmpdir: str, rtol: float = 1.0e-7, atol: float = 0.0, match: Optional[str] = None, allow_changes: bool = False, ): """Check if charges are computed correctly after dumping and loading WFX file format. Parameters ---------- fname The filename to be load. tmpdir The temporary directory to dump and load the file. rtol Relative tolerance when comparing charges. (optional) atol Absolute tolerance when comparing charges. (optional) match When given, loading the file is expected to raise a warning whose message string contains match. """ mol1 = load_one_warning(fname, match=match) # dump WFX and check that file exists fn_tmp = os.path.join(tmpdir, f"{fname}.wfx") if allow_changes: with pytest.warns(PrepareDumpWarning): dump_one(mol1, fn_tmp, allow_changes=True) else: dump_one(mol1, fn_tmp) assert os.path.isfile(fn_tmp) # load dumped file and compare Mulliken charges mol2 = load_one(fn_tmp) charges1 = compute_mulliken_charges(mol1) charges2 = compute_mulliken_charges(mol2) assert_allclose(charges1, charges2, rtol=rtol, atol=atol)
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize( "path", [ "h2o_sto3g.fchk", "water_hfs_321g.fchk", "water_sto3g_hf_g03.fchk", "ch3_hf_sto3g.fchk", "ch3_rohf_sto3g_g03.fchk", "h2o_sto3g.wfn", "h2o_sto3g_decontracted.wfn", "o2_uhf.wfn", "o2_uhf_virtual.wfn", # Li atom "li_sp_orbital.wfn", "li_sp_virtual.wfn", # He atom "he_s_orbital.wfn", "he_s_virtual.wfn", "he_p_orbital.wfn", "he_d_orbital.wfn", "he_sp_orbital.wfn", "he_spd_orbital.wfn", "he_spdf_orbital.wfn", "he_spdfgh_orbital.wfn", "he_spdfgh_virtual.wfn", "lih_cation_uhf.wfn", "lih_cation_rohf.wfn", "lih_cation_cisd.wfn", "lih_cation_fci.wfn", "lif_fci.wfn", "he2_ghost_psi4_1.0.molden", "nh3_molden_cart.molden", "nh3_molpro2012.molden", ], ) def test_dump_one(path, tmpdir): compare_mulliken_charges(path, tmpdir, allow_changes=path.endswith("fchk"))
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("path", "match"), [ ("h2o.molden.input", "ORCA"), pytest.param("nh3_turbomole.molden", "Turbomole", marks=pytest.mark.slow), ("ethanol.mkl", "ORCA"), ("h2_sto3g.mkl", "ORCA"), ], ) def test_dump_one_match(tmpdir, path, match): compare_mulliken_charges(path, tmpdir, match=match)
[docs] @pytest.mark.slow() def test_dump_one_from_molden_neon(tmpdir): compare_mulliken_charges( "neon_turbomole_def2-qzvp.molden", tmpdir, atol=1.0e-10, match="Turbomole" )
[docs] def test_dump_one_pure_functions(tmpdir): # li2.mkl contains pure functions with pytest.raises(PrepareDumpError): check_load_dump_consistency("water_ccpvdz_pure_hf_g03.fchk", tmpdir)
[docs] def test_load_data_wfx_h2(): """Test load_data_wfx with h2_ub3lyp_ccpvtz.wfx.""" data = helper_load_data_wfx("h2_ub3lyp_ccpvtz.wfx") # check loaded data assert data["title"] == "h2 ub3lyp/cc-pvtz opt-stable-freq" assert data["keywords"] == "GTO" # assert model_name is None assert data["num_atoms"] == 2 assert data["num_primitives"] == 34 assert data["num_occ_mo"] == 56 assert data["num_perturbations"] == 0 assert data["num_electrons"] == 2 assert data["num_alpha_electron"] == 1 assert data["num_beta_electron"] == 1 assert data["charge"] == 0.0 assert data["spin_multi"] == 1 assert_allclose(data["energy"], -1.179998789924e00) assert_allclose(data["virial_ratio"], 2.036441983763e00) assert_allclose(data["nuc_viral"], 1.008787649881e-08) assert_allclose(data["full_virial_ratio"], 2.036441992623e00) assert_equal(data["nuclear_names"], ["H1", "H2"]) assert_equal(data["atnums"], np.array([1, 1])) assert_equal(data["mo_spins"], np.array(["Alpha"] * 28 + ["Beta"] * 28).T) coords = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.7019452462164], [0.0, 0.0, -0.7019452462164]]) assert_allclose(data["atcoords"], coords) assert_allclose( data["centers"], np.array( [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, ] ), ) assert_allclose( data["types"], np.array( [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, ] ), ) assert_allclose( data["exponents"], np.array( [ 3.387000000000e01, 5.095000000000e00, 1.159000000000e00, 3.258000000000e-01, 1.027000000000e-01, 1.407000000000e00, 1.407000000000e00, 1.407000000000e00, 3.880000000000e-01, 3.880000000000e-01, 3.880000000000e-01, 1.057000000000e00, 1.057000000000e00, 1.057000000000e00, 1.057000000000e00, 1.057000000000e00, 1.057000000000e00, 3.387000000000e01, 5.095000000000e00, 1.159000000000e00, 3.258000000000e-01, 1.027000000000e-01, 1.407000000000e00, 1.407000000000e00, 1.407000000000e00, 3.880000000000e-01, 3.880000000000e-01, 3.880000000000e-01, 1.057000000000e00, 1.057000000000e00, 1.057000000000e00, 1.057000000000e00, 1.057000000000e00, 1.057000000000e00, ] ), ) assert_allclose(data["mo_occs"], ([1] + [0] * 27) * 2) assert_allclose( data["mo_energies"], np.array( [ -4.340830854172e-01, 5.810590098068e-02, 1.957476339319e-01, 4.705943952631e-01, 5.116003517961e-01, 5.116003517961e-01, 9.109680450208e-01, 9.372078887497e-01, 9.372078887497e-01, 1.367198523024e00, 2.035656924620e00, 2.093459617091e00, 2.882582109554e00, 2.882582109559e00, 3.079758295551e00, 3.079758295551e00, 3.356387932344e00, 3.600856684661e00, 3.600856684661e00, 3.793185027287e00, 3.793185027400e00, 3.807665977092e00, 3.807665977092e00, 4.345665616275e00, 5.386560784523e00, 5.386560784523e00, 5.448122593462e00, 6.522366660004e00, -4.340830854172e-01, 5.810590098068e-02, 1.957476339319e-01, 4.705943952631e-01, 5.116003517961e-01, 5.116003517961e-01, 9.109680450208e-01, 9.372078887497e-01, 9.372078887497e-01, 1.367198523024e00, 2.035656924620e00, 2.093459617091e00, 2.882582109554e00, 2.882582109559e00, 3.079758295551e00, 3.079758295551e00, 3.356387932344e00, 3.600856684661e00, 3.600856684661e00, 3.793185027287e00, 3.793185027400e00, 3.807665977092e00, 3.807665977092e00, 4.345665616275e00, 5.386560784523e00, 5.386560784523e00, 5.448122593462e00, 6.522366660004e00, ] ), ) assert_allclose( data["atgradient"], [ [9.744384163503e-17, -2.088844408785e-16, -7.185657679987e-09], [-9.744384163503e-17, 2.088844408785e-16, 7.185657679987e-09], ], ) assert data["mo_coeffs"].shape == (34, 56) assert_allclose( data["mo_coeffs"][:, 0], [ 5.054717669172e-02, 9.116391481072e-02, 1.344211391235e-01, 8.321037376208e-02, 1.854203733451e-02, -5.552096650015e-17, 1.685043781907e-17, -2.493514848195e-02, 5.367769875676e-18, -8.640401342563e-21, -4.805966923740e-03, -3.124765025063e-04, -3.124765025063e-04, 6.249530050126e-04, 6.560467295881e-16, -8.389003686496e-17, 1.457172009403e-16, 5.054717669172e-02, 9.116391481072e-02, 1.344211391235e-01, 8.321037376215e-02, 1.854203733451e-02, 1.377812848830e-16, -5.365229184139e-18, 2.493514848197e-02, -2.522774106094e-17, 2.213188439119e-17, 4.805966923784e-03, -3.124765025186e-04, -3.124765025186e-04, 6.249530050373e-04, -6.548275062740e-16, 4.865003740982e-17, -1.099855647247e-16, ], ) assert_allclose(data["mo_coeffs"][2, 9], 1.779549601504e-02) assert_allclose(data["mo_coeffs"][19, 14], -1.027984391469e-15) assert_allclose(data["mo_coeffs"][26, 36], -5.700424557682e-01)
[docs] def test_load_data_wfx_water(): """Test load_data_wfx with water_sto3g_hf.wfx.""" data = helper_load_data_wfx("water_sto3g_hf.wfx") # check loaded data assert data["title"] == "H2O HF/STO-3G//HF/STO-3G" assert data["keywords"] == "GTO" assert data["model_name"] == "Restricted HF" assert data["num_atoms"] == 3 assert data["num_primitives"] == 21 assert data["num_occ_mo"] == 5 assert data["num_perturbations"] == 0 assert data["num_electrons"] == 10 assert data["num_alpha_electron"] == 5 assert data["num_beta_electron"] == 5 assert data["charge"] == 0.0 # assert_equal(num_spin_multi, np.array(None)) assert_allclose(data["energy"], -7.49659011707870e001) assert_allclose(data["virial_ratio"], 2.00599838291596e000) # assert_allclose(data['nuclear_virial'], np.array(None)) assert_allclose(data["full_virial_ratio"], 2.00600662884992e000) assert_equal(data["nuclear_names"], ["O1", "H2", "H3"]) assert_equal(data["atnums"], np.array([8, 1, 1])) assert_equal(data["mo_spins"], np.array(["Alpha and Beta"] * 5).T) assert_allclose( data["atcoords"], [ [0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000, 2.40242907000000e-1], [0.00000000000000, 1.43244242000000, -9.60971627000000e-1], [-1.75417809000000e-16, -1.43244242000000, -9.60971627000000e-1], ], ) assert_allclose( data["centers"], np.array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3]) ) assert_allclose( data["types"], np.array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 3, 4, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]) ) assert_allclose( data["exponents"], np.array( [ 1.30709321000000e002, 2.38088661000000e001, 6.44360831000000e000, 5.03315132000000e000, 1.16959612000000e000, 3.80388960000000e-001, 5.03315132000000e000, 5.03315132000000e000, 5.03315132000000e000, 1.16959612000000e000, 1.16959612000000e000, 1.16959612000000e000, 3.80388960000000e-001, 3.80388960000000e-001, 3.80388960000000e-001, 3.42525091000000e000, 6.23913730000000e-001, 1.68855404000000e-001, 3.42525091000000e000, 6.23913730000000e-001, 1.68855404000000e-001, ] ), ) assert_allclose( data["mo_occs"], np.array( [ 2.00000000000000e000, 2.00000000000000e000, 2.00000000000000e000, 2.00000000000000e000, 2.00000000000000e000, ] ), ) assert_allclose( data["mo_energies"], np.array( [ -2.02515479000000e001, -1.25760928000000e000, -5.93941119000000e-001, -4.59728723000000e-001, -3.92618460000000e-001, ] ), ) assert_allclose( data["atgradient"][:2, :], [ [6.09070231000000e-016, -5.55187875000000e-016, -2.29270172000000e-004], [-2.46849911000000e-016, -1.18355659000000e-004, 1.14635086000000e-004], ], ) assert data["mo_coeffs"].shape == (21, 5) assert_allclose( data["mo_coeffs"][:, 0], [ 4.22735025664585e000, 4.08850914632625e000, 1.27420971692421e000, -6.18883321546465e-003, 8.27806436882009e-003, 6.24757868903820e-003, 0.00000000000000e000, 0.00000000000000e000, -6.97905144921135e-003, 0.00000000000000e000, 0.00000000000000e000, -4.38861481239680e-003, 0.00000000000000e000, 0.00000000000000e000, -6.95230322147800e-004, -1.54680714141406e-003, -1.49600452906993e-003, -4.66239267760156e-004, -1.54680714141406e-003, -1.49600452906993e-003, -4.66239267760156e-004, ], rtol=0.0, atol=1.0e-8, ) assert_allclose(data["mo_coeffs"][1, 3], -4.27845789719456e-001)
[docs] def test_parse_wfx_missing_tag_h2o(): """Check that missing sections result in an exception.""" with ( as_file(files("").joinpath("water_sto3g_hf.wfx")) as fn_wfx, LineIterator(fn_wfx) as lit, pytest.raises(LoadError) as error, ): parse_wfx(lit, required_tags=["<Foo Bar>"]) assert "Section <Foo Bar> is missing from loaded WFX data." in str(error)
[docs] def test_load_data_wfx_h2o_error(): """Check that sections without a closing tag result in an exception.""" with ( as_file(files("").joinpath("h2o_error.wfx")) as fn_wfx, pytest.raises(LoadError) as error, ): load_one(str(fn_wfx)) assert "Expecting line </Number of Nuclei> but got </Number of Primitives>." in str(error)
[docs] def test_load_truncated_h2o(tmpdir): """Check that a truncated file raises an exception.""" with ( as_file(files("").joinpath("water_sto3g_hf.wfx")) as fn_wfx, truncated_file(str(fn_wfx), 152, 0, tmpdir) as fn_truncated, pytest.raises(LoadError) as error, ): load_one(str(fn_truncated)) assert "Section <Full Virial Ratio, -(V - W)/T> is not closed at end of file." in str(error)
[docs] def test_load_one_h2o(): """Test load_one with h2o sto-3g WFX input.""" with as_file(files("").joinpath("water_sto3g_hf.wfx")) as file_wfx: mol = load_one(str(file_wfx)) assert_allclose( mol.atcoords, np.array( [ [0.00000000e00, 0.00000000e00, 2.40242907e-01], [0.00000000e00, 1.43244242e00, -9.60971627e-01], [-1.75417809e-16, -1.43244242e00, -9.60971627e-01], ] ), rtol=0.0, atol=1.0e-6, ) assert_allclose( mol.atgradient, np.array( [ [6.09070231e-16, -5.55187875e-16, -2.29270172e-04], [-2.46849911e-16, -1.18355659e-04, 1.14635086e-04], [-3.62220320e-16, 1.18355659e-04, 1.14635086e-04], ] ), rtol=0, atol=1.0e-6, ) assert_equal(mol.atnums, np.array([8, 1, 1])) assert == (21, 5) assert_allclose(, -74.965901170787, rtol=0, atol=1.0e-6) assert mol.extra["keywords"] == "GTO" assert mol.extra["virial_ratio"] == 2.00599838291596 assert == "restricted" assert_allclose(, np.array([-20.2515479, -1.25760928, -0.59394112, -0.45972872, -0.39261846]), rtol=0, atol=1.0e-6, ) assert_equal(, np.array([2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0])) assert_equal(, np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0])) assert == 0.0 assert == 21 assert mol.obasis.nbasis == 21 assert mol.obasis.primitive_normalization == "L2" assert [shell.icenter for shell in mol.obasis.shells] == [0] * 9 + [1] * 3 + [2] * 3 assert [shell.kinds for shell in mol.obasis.shells] == [["c"]] * 15 assert_allclose( [shell.exponents for shell in mol.obasis.shells[:6]], [[130.709321], [23.8088661], [6.44360831], [5.03315132], [1.16959612], [0.38038896]], ) assert_allclose( [shell.exponents for shell in mol.obasis.shells[6:9]], [[5.03315132], [1.16959612], [0.38038896]], ) assert_allclose( [shell.exponents for shell in mol.obasis.shells[9:15]], [[3.42525091], [0.62391373], [0.168855404], [3.42525091], [0.62391373], [0.168855404]], ) assert_allclose([shell.coeffs for shell in mol.obasis.shells], [[[1]]] * 15) assert mol.obasis_name is None assert mol.title == "H2O HF/STO-3G//HF/STO-3G" # check orthonormal mo olp = compute_overlap(mol.obasis, mol.atcoords) check_orthonormal(, olp, 1.0e-5)
[docs] def test_load_one_h2(): """Test load_one with h2 ub3lyp_ccpvtz WFX input.""" with as_file(files("").joinpath("h2_ub3lyp_ccpvtz.wfx")) as file_wfx: mol = load_one(str(file_wfx)) assert_allclose( mol.atcoords, np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.7019452462164], [0.0, 0.0, -0.7019452462164]]), rtol=0, atol=1.0e-6, ) assert_allclose( mol.atgradient, np.array( [ [9.74438416e-17, -2.08884441e-16, -7.18565768e-09], [-9.74438416e-17, 2.08884441e-16, 7.18565768e-09], ] ), rtol=0, atol=1.0e-6, ) assert_equal(mol.atnums, np.array([1, 1])) assert_allclose(, -1.179998789924, rtol=0, atol=1.0e-6) assert mol.extra["keywords"] == "GTO" assert mol.extra["num_perturbations"] == 0 assert == (34, 56) assert_allclose([:7], np.array( [-0.43408309, 0.0581059, 0.19574763, 0.4705944, 0.51160035, 0.51160035, 0.91096805] ), rtol=0, atol=1.0e-6, ) assert == 2.0 assert == 1.0 assert == 0.0 assert == 34 assert == "unrestricted" assert mol.obasis.nbasis == 34 assert mol.obasis.primitive_normalization == "L2" assert [shell.icenter for shell in mol.obasis.shells] == [0] * 8 + [1] * 8 assert [shell.kinds for shell in mol.obasis.shells] == [["c"]] * 16 assert_allclose( [shell.exponents for shell in mol.obasis.shells], 2 * [[33.87], [5.095], [1.159], [0.3258], [0.1027], [1.407], [0.388], [1.057]], ) assert_allclose([shell.coeffs for shell in mol.obasis.shells], [[[1]]] * 16) assert mol.obasis_name is None assert mol.title == "h2 ub3lyp/cc-pvtz opt-stable-freq" # check orthonormal mo olp = compute_overlap(mol.obasis, mol.atcoords) check_orthonormal(, olp, 1e-5) check_orthonormal(, olp, 1e-5)
[docs] def test_load_one_lih_cation_cisd(): with as_file(files("").joinpath("lih_cation_cisd.wfx")) as file_wfx: mol = load_one(str(file_wfx)) # check number of orbitals and occupation numbers assert == "unrestricted" assert == 11 assert == 11 assert == 22 assert_allclose(, [ 9.99999999804784e-1, 9.99999998539235e-1, 2.26431690664012e-10, 5.38480519435475e-11, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -5.97822590358596e-13, -6.01428138426375e-12, -9.12834417514434e-12, ], ) assert_allclose(, [ 9.99999997403326e-1, 6.03380142010587e-11, 4.36865874834240e-12, 4.14106040987552e-13, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -5.69902692731031e-13, -1.60216470544366e-11, -3.25430470734432e-10, ], ) # check orthonormal mo olp = compute_overlap(mol.obasis, mol.atcoords) check_orthonormal(, olp, 1e-5) check_orthonormal(, olp, 1e-5)
[docs] def test_load_one_lih_cation_uhf(): with as_file(files("").joinpath("lih_cation_uhf.wfx")) as file_wfx: mol = load_one(str(file_wfx)) # check number of orbitals and occupation numbers assert == "unrestricted" assert == 2 assert == 1 assert == 3 assert_allclose(, [1.0, 1.0]) assert_allclose(, [1.0]) # check orthonormal mo olp = compute_overlap(mol.obasis, mol.atcoords) check_orthonormal(, olp, 1e-5) check_orthonormal(, olp, 1e-5)
[docs] def test_load_one_lih_cation_rohf(): with as_file(files("").joinpath("lih_cation_rohf.wfx")) as file_wfx: mol = load_one(str(file_wfx)) # check number of orbitals and occupation numbers assert == "restricted" assert == 2 assert == 2 assert == 2 assert_allclose(, [2.0, 1.0]) assert_allclose(, [1.0, 1.0]) assert_allclose(, [1.0, 0.0]) # check orthonormal mo olp = compute_overlap(mol.obasis, mol.atcoords) check_orthonormal(, olp, 1e-5) check_orthonormal(, olp, 1e-5)
[docs] def test_generalized_orbitals(): # The Molden format does not support generalized MOs data = create_generalized_orbitals() with pytest.raises(PrepareDumpError): dump_one(data, "generalized.wfx")